How to use Support and Resistance Effectively - page 61


Wow, i've only just found out Bubble is back.

I followed this thread from the beginning but lost interest when Bubble departed - glad to see you back.

How refreshing to see naked charts again!!

Keep 'em coming Bubble


I've just realised, it's 12 months to the day since i first posted in this thread.........don't know what drew me back today.......bizarre!!


Mp -- Anyone Got A Petunia ?

with all the wonderful gushing over bubble, one would imagine his trading area to be covered in roses and petunia's, cuban cigars being thrown at him and the german car manufacturers salespeople pushing keys into his hands !

any more magnificent, and he will be the lone ranger AND tonto, all rolled into one.

with forex, there AINT nothing else but support and resistance cause it aint nuclear fusion !

anyway bubble, just funnin here and im scurrying to find my own roses to throw at your feet !


enjoy and trade well



Hello bubble

Welcome back to the forum and i hope in one day to be able to pay for your trading course.




i do not understand where did you get that Support on second image.

why you not pick up that recent lower low.

and also can you explain deeper about entry : )


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Hi Adriann,

As i said at the beginning of the last post , the key is being able to place the price into the correct swings or peaks and troughs, at the time of the trade the 60 was showing alignment with only the 240 and that low was the current swing low according to how i look at peaks and troughs and as you can see it has acted as support and the price has bounced right off it.

The daily has now come into alignment so a break below the current level of support and close confirmation may well see cable down to the level you have highlighted and the one beyond at 9404.



i think i got it


hi bubble,

i love everybit of you contribution to this thread,please keep it coming.


Well known indicator.

and #KG Support & Resistance Alert_Revision 2 indicator is on this post.

Hi all,

Oil trade from yesterday close with partial profit plus second half of position close at trend reversal point , and a GBPUSD short trade closed for 86 pips profit.

Trades taken live in the trading room as per the method i described in my earlier post, i will post the charts a bit later today as i have a possible long trade on USDCAD at the moment.


good one bubble,i am also keeping virgil of the usdcad but it ranging at the moment,long trip in the near future i hope.

good one on your gbpusd,keep pipping


thank you

hi bubble,

i've just found this thread 2 days ago (seems like i'm 1 year late ), from the tittle i know that this is great thread, but when i read the early page i can't understand the topic because your posts are missing, but now i already have the pdf and ready to re-read from the beginning, hope i can catch up with u

thanks for your effort to start this thread n share us your knowledge, i'm looking forward to learn the method and apply it to real trading, n i hope that you continuing the lessons..

thank you very much bubble, n sorry my english


pdf doc

Will someone please post the pdf or place it on the first page.
