Learning Cycles For New Traders - page 20



It is not 98% success but near 50% I tested this indicator it repaint the past

I have similar indicator with different parameters. If you can choose good direction for next day with yesterday intraday analyses (anticipation) you will make good money.

Find support and resistance go to a 1 H chart

For stop loss and take profit use % ATR(5) (1 week range) because market is dynamic look for TSR indicator data " days range"

For example I take OHLC from daily charts to excel and found % ATR need for every currency pairs

I use 2 % of my account for every trade,

This works 70% of time with min.R/R 1:1

For this month I have 21 good trades and 4 loss

For open trades It takes me 30 min. every day at 00:00 GMT

Sorry for my bad english

Have a good day

98% for Ema Cross..? I don't think so..


You guys were too quick to shoot Dan7974 down. Obviously, if he does come up with a high winning probability system or has access to one he will be less inclined to share it with the forum members!


There does seem to be an impatience on the board now for people to have to prove the systems, instead of just letting people develop the system even if it sucks for most but possibly works for the poster.



Codersguru have made an indicator to do that long time ago.

As you can see 98% seems to be 48% using stops of 150 pips.

If you want to learn more search Ema prediction thread.

emas.gif  32 kb

and I would guess it repaits??


Excellant point gkozlyk, I agree 100%.

There does seem to be an impatience on the board now for people to have to prove the systems, instead of just letting people develop the system even if it sucks for most but possibly works for the poster. GK
Excellant point gkozlyk, I agree 100%.

Honestly I think some people here likes to learn something new to improve their trading, and that's including me. But, how can you said that your sytem is 98% accurate if you don't even have any rules about your SL and TP? Different SL will give you different overall result, different TP will give you another different overall result, and the combination between different SL and different TP will give you much more different overall result. It's not about impatient or something like that, it's about logic.

Dan7974 may have something valuable to share, but how was that interesting number comes from if he doesn't have any rules about SL and TP yet?

Dan7974, please give us some enlightment.

Excellant point gkozlyk, I agree 100%.

I agree with your agreement.


I've got an idea. I haven't yet tested it. Let's make this a Multiple Time Frame setup. Anyone want to help me with this?

Where is the strategy ? Is it the one that Prima wrote here ? Why should Dan be hiding the strategy. How did he kknow that the winning % 98% Nic

There was another thread here title EMA predictive(I think) that used the same idea except using EMAs instead of SMAs.(1 and 2 period on daily charts).

There may be some promise to this but I don't think as a stand alone indicator.

Also those of us who have brokers that count the 2 hours on Sunday as a daily bar any indicator that is used on daily charts is pretty much useless.