Dan7974 ? - page 3


Bin Laden , check your spelling

I should check your post 16 first


Face reality: Dan is a born looser. There will be winners and looser in life. The genetic code gave him the short stick, too bad, for him...


Don't you people have anything better to do?

Family Guy:
How old are you ? are you allowed to trade ?

Now now don't you think your being just a bit silly?Hey?

Family Guy:

Bin Laden , check your spelling and what did DAN bring to this site, crap posts like yours ?

for your info I trade for a living, and i can support that with statement what about you loser, can you support that with a statement, a loser stand for another
Now now don't you think your being just a bit silly?Hey?

This "Family Guy" man, there is something wrong with him. He claims to be a profitable trader etc.....then if so, what is he doing getting so upset about 1 guy's posts? Surely, he would have more fun spending the money he claims to be making?

He tells others to check their spelling yet fails to see the own incorrect spelling and use of grammar in his own posts.

Also, "Family Guy" I am not interested in your "statement", you say you trade for a living - well, GOOD FOR YOU - GIVE YOURSELF A PAT ON THE BACK!

This "Family Guy" really makes me laugh, he is a joker who gets upset really easily. lol


this guy should be stopped

I read DAN threads, before I contribute to this form and I have no idea why do you support him?

DAN was against the idea of creating new threads !! unless the person behind that thread has proven profitable record!!! what changed his mind !!!

why he created those threads if he doesn’t have the experience ?

Shouldn’t we have rules to create new threads???????

Obviously most of the comments came from people with problems, or people who hasn’t read DAN threads, family guy has a point here.

I have nothing against DAN as a person, we all hit a rocky start, but he shouldn’t force his ideas if he doesn’t believe in them, he shouldn’t make false claims as he usually does, there was an example where a trader invested money based on DAN useless system

God forbid what if DAN was your doctor will you take advice from him? this is the same, we are trading money, and we need the advice from people who can give it, and this guy should be stopped .


Hey, something is going on here. Yesterday, Dan had 27 threads of his own, today there is "only" 20... Most membes never seem to have more than 10, that just goes to show how speZialDan is.

PS: The Experienced Wisdom Method Rulez!!

This is taken from experience. When You are short, the market cannot go down. It suffers. The market recognized You becuase You have been trading for a very long time. When You exit with a loss, the market starts going down right away. You misses the oppurtunuty. Don't worry. The other guy, who which the maket does not know, must enter trade short immediately, right after You closed the loss trade. Then, by the time the market recognized him, the 2nd trader must take his profit immediately !!!

The more lots you trade


the FASTER the market will recognize You

, and


PS: The Experienced Wisdom Method Rulez!!

Hey yeah I remember that one, isn't that the one where you should never trade alone. That is a pretty "slick" little method.

But seriously folks, I really do think that Dan means well, but we are a community here, and one of us is an addict of sorts... there must be an intervention.

"It takes a village"


I'm so happy that 40% of ppl don't want to stop dan )


If you don't like what he has to say, then don't read his posts.

Or is this thread, which is entirely unrelated to trading, supposed to be worth more than the trading ideas he posts, however misguided?