RandyCandles - Information - page 45


Good pippin', Vegas!

What was your exit strategy?

The custom candle trading room is still there although we have been debating on how/when to use it. I'll meet ya there. BTW, excellent post on RC earlier.

Thanks IT, cya there!


bold trader!!

Your right....it's a chili peper......just so long as it goes up...other wise I might call it something else.... EDIT: 10 pips out of that one....

Hi Vegas,

Am at work atm, so not able to look at my charts, but that was a brave trade. Though, not totaly illogical. Gaps are common on sunday evening, and then the pair "usually" will fill the gap. I guess, it would be a brave decision to take a trade counter to such strong price movement from Friday. I personally wouldn't have, but if I had, I would have taken half off at 10 pips, and put trailing stop. The aim would have been most likely the 25ma line.

I am looking at at an adaptation of another trading method to incorporate into this system, but only for staying in a trade, and complimenting what rad has put together. It uses fibs, so let me know if you anyone is interested.

Happy pipping to all.





where is the trading room?I would like to join,i like this idea.


Too funny

My exit was going to be support 1 line ,see chart, but I chickened out at ten pips cos I listened to some one...mentioning no names..lol....But 10 pips is ten pips...IBFX also hiked the spread to 8 pips...so not a bad trade...

Good pippin', Vegas! What was your exit strategy?
zorro2.gif  62 kb

Chile Pepper

This is a chili peper according to Randy....

hi, where is the trading room?I would like to join,i like this idea.

If you are familiar with the tradingrooms.com platform, the room is under premium rooms and called CustomCandlesFX, password is rcrc

If you are familiar with the tradingrooms.com platform, the room is under premium rooms and called CustomCandlesFX, password is rcrc

How does one get a login and password? This is what I get from the URL...

noname.bmp  312 kb
How does one get a login and password? This is what I get from the URL...

Very interesting, that appears to be their corporate email web access. Try it with the www



Sorry ITGUY,

I finally got the DINO fed and put to bed...my Acronis backup was running in the background and boggin everything down. When I got back you were gone. Catch ya next time!