SINE TREND system from Ehler - page 3

Here is the code of the system in Ehlers' code's, can a programmer in this forum convert this to MQL4?

Thanks and regards to all.



Written by: Ehlers - Rocket science for traders

typed by Henry Amand

Description: SineTrend system, page 120


Inputs: Price((H+L)/2);

Vars: Smooth (0),

Detrender (O) ,

I1 (0),

Q1 (O),

jI (O),

JQ (0),

I2 (0),

Q2 (0),

Re (0),

Im (0),

Period (0),

SmoothPeriod (O),

SmoothPrice (O),

DCPeriod (O),

RealPart (0),

Imagpart (O),

count (0),

DCPhase (O),

DCSine (O),

LeadSine (O),

Itrend (O),

Trendline (O),

Trend (0),

DaysinTrend (O);

Please note in case somebody finds this and tries to use it in TradeStation:

Many of the Vars lines have the letter "O" in stead of a zero. This code will not do much before this is corrected. I can not vouch for the remainder of the code as I haven't tested it yet.

And by the way, Henry Amand quickly corrected this error after his original post.
