Copies of Interbankfx platform


Please how can I get many copies of IBFX to run on my computer?



install the MT4 on different folder names

install the MT4 on different folder names

Thank you very much


The fastest way that I know to have multiple copies of MT4, is just install it once then copy the whole folder to a new one as much as you like. After that create a short cut to each terminal.exe file on each new folder. Hope this help


About copying MT4 terminals, this might help:



About copying MT4 terminals, this might help:



Your program looks interesting, but its purpose, if I understand your post correctly, is to be able to monitor multiple MT4 accounts, not to install new instances. It's still useful and I will try it out if I have time. I hardly ever visit StrategyBuilderFX anymore as there is so little of interest.

Your program looks interesting, but its purpose, if I understand your post correctly, is to be able to monitor multiple MT4 accounts, not to install new instances. It's still useful and I will try it out if I have time. I hardly ever visit StrategyBuilderFX anymore as there is so little of interest.

Indeed, the purpose of this is to monitor multiple MT4 accounts. As WinXP is limiting a number of instances, I can start up to about 20 terminals. Maybe with Win2003, it could start more than 20 terminals... Can anyone else test it with Win2003?



20 copies on one system ... wow. Unfortunately my resources prevent me from doing the same.

What i do noticed was, that if u let lots`o`MTs running for longer peroid they tend to enlarge the portion of communication/connection band - when i start MT4, each platform uses less than 100 bytes of traffic, after couple of days its more than 2kbytes.