Trading Gold/USD - page 37


Daily Volume and Open Interest

Where can I find Daily Volume and Open Interest?

There are several places that this information is available including within the individual products.

To view all products, please use the Daily Volume and Open Interest report available in the

Market Data Services section (


Nice thread..Keep it up..

Where can I find Daily Volume and Open Interest?

There are several places that this information is available including within the individual products.

To view all products, please use the Daily Volume and Open Interest report available in the

Market Data Services section (

hi sir

thanx for all the indicators u posted i have read all the instruction of installing cot indi but mine shows a straight line is there anything wrong.pliz help

cot.gif  36 kb

in some trading stations , the gold in commodity trading has gold vs usd and in some stations it is given as gold(gold spot) . what is the difference between them?


Gold Robot and start discussion

I trade manually by using technical analysis. However I do not get time for trading . can you guys suggest any robot in Gold


moved your post to this thread where you can find some indicators and EAs (for gold).

The other one is here:


24% a month

I made 24% last month.

How are you doing trading gold?


Gold Traders More Bullish as Holdings Reach Record

Gold traders are the most bullish in three weeks as investors’ bullion holdings expanded to a record after central banks pledged to do more to spur economic growth.



The gold (XAU/USD) has validated yesterday a breakout of 1310 points and found support on 1300 points.

The price has continued this night its bearish movement and has validated a breakout of 1300 points (sell signal) to reach 1290 points this morning.

The Gold is now moving below the lower band (now resistance) of its short-term downtrend channel (orange segments).

I would advise traders to trade only Shorts positions (sell) as far as 1300 points is resistance.

A break of 1290 points will provide a new sell signal for an extension of the downtrend towards 1280 points.

In case of return above 1300 points, i would then advise traders to wait for a breakout of 1310 points to trade long positions (buy).

Above 1310 points, pay attention to the upper band of the short-term bearish channel (orange segments) that could act as resistance.