EWOCCI Method and EA - page 5

Hi yeah same problem i tried it on several mt4 platforms and same 4200 object exists problem man just put the source code here and we solve it LOL

Someone is looking into it as we speak. Hopefully he'll be able to find it. Even if I got the error I'd be asking how to get rid of it myself. Remember still new coder.

Update as soon as avail.



Same 4200 Error on Live FXDD Mini Acct

Just wanted to add my 2 cents in there to confirm the error.

Dave, BIG thanks for sharing with everyone !



Same error 4200

Hello Dave

I just want to thank-you for the dynamite EA, Just was wondering if you had a update to solve the problem 4200 error.




Hi Dave, any update on your EA?


This is just another reason I dislike Ibfx. They require special code for things not just EURUSD"m" thing.

I recommend if you don't have a live ibfx account, run away from them as fast as you can. If you do, switch accounts. Do you see all the problems with ibfx reoccurring over and over? You have to ask ea makers to do special things for ibfx, and its ridicules. I cann't correct an error I am not getting.

Run a backtest, does it trade? if so ignore the error untill some one makes a sugestion as to how I resolve this.



what happen with ibfx? sharing with us please...


I am waiting. The guy looking into it is very busy and I don't want to be pushy.

I still haven't heard if it makes trades despite the error or not.

The euro$ looks like it has established a bottom to the correction. If so we should see ewocci daily cross again soon.



We had EWOCCI cross few days ago, the EA (running on live IBFX account) did not seem to show any activity.

Some more expieriences on this?

We had EWOCCI cross few days ago, the EA (running on live IBFX account) did not seem to show any activity. Some more expieriences on this?

EWOCCI fired off yesterday. I have 1 account with no problems. But I am getting error 4200 on the other account. Same broker. The one with error 4200 didn't fire off.

I am waiting for the error to be fixed. I might just remove the code for the big EWOCCI on the screen to get rid of the error. But since I have the error now, I might be able to fix it my self. I'll post results in a day or 2.

As of now...2 ewocci crosses and each one successful(the ones that fired off).


I am waiting for the error to be fixed. I might just remove the code for the big EWOCCI on the screen to get rid of the error.

I thought you knew how to code, David?

I thought you knew how to code, David?

My first post in PacMan says that was my first attempt at coding.

But most knew from my disagreement with bluto on bipoler, that I didn't know how to code, and that pacman and ewocci are my first attempts at being self sufficient and teaching myself how to code. And doing very well I belive.

I have some one that proof reads and helps to test that is a very good coder. He makes sure my code is doing what its supposed to and tels me of errors I have made so I can learn from them.

But the zero divide error and 4200 error are being a pain even for seasoned coders.

I over came the zerodivide error my self in pacman. Robert Hill is actually the one looking into the 4200 error for me. And if he cann't figure it out it must be hard because I have yet to hear back.

Try this one and see if it still gets the error.

