Magic - page 4


elitecamper, we all hit the same start, books CDs, internet ,lessons ....etc there is no short cut in the learning process, I am still buying books are looking for more information.

I respect SIMBA's point of view since he knows better than me, after all its his game. There is always a chance to learn more and I am counting on guys like SIMBA to enlight me with more ideas or correct me if I am wrong.

To be able to understand the news you need to listen to the bloomberg tv online during the news

also read the links on each of those sites

click on the details and read what would happen if the price went up or down .. the most important news will be marked in bloomberg headline page :

for example

Tuesday: Consumer confidence data will wake up investors following the long weekend. High gas prices have, at least so far, made only a small dent in confidence. Markets may also look at buying plans in the report and new information on the housing market.

now if you go to

you will read he headlines

U.S. Job Growth Rebounded in May: Economy Preview

Dollar Rises to 6-Week High Versus Euro on Signs of U.S. Growth

go and read the details , the more you read the more you konw


thanks for the response Minime. Simba ur post was helpful aswell. Guys im new to forex trading and every day i spend many hours reading and studying about it, and i feel very fortunate to have found this forum. I got tired of reading forex books they are almost all the same. Some how whenever i bought a forex book i felt i was being ripped off. Unlike those books this forum has give me alot of fulfilment. Here, everyday i learn something new, valuable, and exciting. I have read about the big boys that move markets, and i have read about news as well, many times. But i dont know about these things. i havent experianced them, i havent lived them. I havent even talked about them with another human being... since i dont know anyone that even has a notion on what these things are. So i think i think hard about what question im going to ask when i post here. Regarding my question "how can i spot big players in the news?" Well it wasnt the best wording but the reason i asked that is because... well hold on a moment, i dont know how to analyze the news because i have never done it. i can say hey i read a book im gona do my news analyzing, but i cant be 100% sure that I am doing it right! But i am 100% sure that there is correct way to do it, and once i see it. i will know and i will move in that direction! and be at ease with myself.

so thats why i asked my question, and now i know that for central banks its in their interest to be transparent! and it feels good to know that. and there BOJ that is the exception and i know why it is the exception and it feels good to know that too. Now international banks, corporations and big hedge funds. they make their money by not being transparent, by being secretive and deceptive. oh and one last thing thank u minime for mentioning the inverse relationship between the US and oil,gold,swissy. i understand it for the first time in a complete way, its so clear. the US is dependant on oil. but the relationship between the US,gold and swissy. is very intresting... it is greed and fear. and in the end i think greed and fear are almost the same, they are opposite ends of the same phenomenon. its greed and fear that move the markets. thats why a trader can not be greedy nor fearful. if he is greedy he will fail if he is fearful he will fail. greed and fear cloud judgement. greed and fear are emotions. emotions cloud judgement.


ok sounds good ty


Central banks websites

ok sounds good ty

as I was saying you will be seeing more of these news in next few months

step by step you will be able to read between the lines

as for the link between the US and Gold, think of it like that .. any problem in the US economy will make the trader run for a safe currency or commodity.

The safe currency is the Swiss and the Safe commodity is the Gold. Now any problem in any country ( war, natural disaster .. etc ) will be translated into weakness in that currency against gold and Swiss frank


as for the link between the US and Gold, think of it like that .. any problem in the US economy will make the trader run for a safe currency or commodity.

The safe currency is the Swiss and the Safe commodity is the Gold. Now any problem in any country ( war, natural disaster .. etc ) will be translated into weakness in that currency against gold and Swiss frank

Yes, MiniMe it is so. and i feel i understand that as good as u wrote it. and then the next thought i get is... the US represents capitalism it self. Get rich make money, live the good life, the American dream. But in times of strife when even the capitalists are having it bad, u turn to the swissy u turn to the Gold, thats safe, u will be ok there. thats why up in my previous post i spoke about greed and fear because people turn to capitalism out of greed, desire, to better themselves. to have their piece of cake and eat it too. On the other hand people turn to the swiss currency and Gold out of fear, they seek refuge, a safe haven. kinda like when katrina hit new orleans, people sought refuge in the superdome. so ya, and about switzerland i know that they are a neutral country, they did not participate in any of the world wars and that they have alota banks. so i imagine thats why they hold the safe currency position. k

Oil Falls on Speculation Rising Output to Cut U.S. Fuel Prices

LOL now that was magic, I said couple of posts ago ( Post 29 ) that oil was over priced .. DAM sometimes I am so good I scare myself


nice MiniMe! good news comming out this last week


how good are the possibilty that the eur/dollor will go down??


is a good idea to short it on margin to wait for a good 1000 pip profit?

how good are the possibilty that the eur/dollor will go down??


is a good idea to short it on margin to wait for a good 1000 pip profit?

I will try to warp things up this week with another video, as I have some free time, and will go quickly to all the major pairs then will check this pair for all the time frames, but there is a good chance for this pair to continue the down rally, still it depends what are your targets and how big is your account.

There is some major indicator that all traders need to learn about which is the MACD and the RSI, I wont talk about indicators or fib levels I will presume traders has the basic knowledge, however there is a video link in the above posts which will help alot to understand the bascis

we show some fundamentals as well to back up the techinical

Sat or Sun I will start with the video and will try to post it here

