A poll deciding which method is the best. - page 12


You are a loser.


I know tons of profitable systems for free on the forums.

Perhaps you should visit babypips and enrol at the bottom as you are obviously lacking in the skills one needs to make it in this business. Good luck





ND you should give some heads-up when you merge a thread, that really threw me off.

ND you should give some heads-up when you merge a thread, that really threw me off.

I am merging 5 -10 threads per day ...

Now we have some options in the forum and I may keep redirected link:


- Leave No Redirect

- Leave Permanent Redirect

- Leave Expiring Redirect (1 hours expiration, 1 day, 1 week and so on)

So I am merging the threads with expiring redirect. It means that when you open moved thread from old place so you will be redirected to new place.

It was difficult before as I had to send hundreds PMs to the members about moving (merging) the thread. It is very easy to do now: when you open moved thread from old place so you will be redirected to new place.


I suggest you re-write your email address and replace @ with "at" (spell it out) or you will get every spam site that uses robots to search the net for email addresses sending you emails ...and Dad these emails may not be appropriate for a teenager...



Thanks, i'll keep that in mind.

I really do need my own email, of course, to write anywhere I need.

Thanks for telling me, I never knew.


Hi again forex-tsd!


I came across this site, again, if any of you guys remember me.

I'm Dan, the 15 year old trader starting a long time ago, with my Dad.

Many of you think I am creative, and many of you think I am bullshit.

I have no comment to that. Forex is very hard, and there are a lot of logical things I came up with that changed my perspective on how to look at the market. I am officialy a true successfull trader, with my dear father, whom I love with all my heart.

For all you that are having a hard time in trading, please, listen to my advice. If you have been on the forex forums for quite a while, and you don't have a method now, what makes you think that you will later. You might say, "Well, I don't know what to do else". Please, listen to me, and you'll think me later.

Don't come to any forex forum site, just go on the market, way back. Turn off the chart auto scroll, and press F12, and each new bar will appear. Keep pressing it, and learn why and how the market does go that way, please turn off all your indciators, that will make a mess. I'll tell you, if someone asked me which is the finest indicator, I would say...

...All or none...

So, get rid of all your indicators, it's hard, I know, just fight it. Learn how the market goes up and down, and why it does that. Have to do with time, and how the market moves in patterns. Don't keep on pressing F12 for 5 minutes, do it for at least an hour, and write an email to me so you can share with me, and if I think that your close, i'll share with you. My email is:

Dan7974 at yahoo.com


p.s. I am looking for the following code:

In mql4 coding, what is the code that determines what timeframe it is for. For example, if Daily high is broken, then....and the EA is on the M5 chart, for example. Thanks to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


newdigital (administrator)...told all of us this a few weeks ago...I did not know this either..


Thanks, i'll keep that in mind.

I really do need my own email, of course, to write anywhere I need.

Thanks for telling me, I never knew.


We'll know now.