Multi-indics indicator - page 37


Center of gravity


Thanks for the MTF versions here. its really helpful. Can anyone of the talented programmers make MTF version of this center of gravity?

it would be really helpful. Thanks allot.


Thanks for the MTF versions here. its really helpful. Can anyone of the talented programmers make MTF version of this center of gravity?

it would be really helpful. Thanks allot.

Here's a version.

Just put both in the/indicators/ folder and attach the MTF one.



Dear ferru,

thanks allot for MTF version.

Dear ferru, thanks allot for MTF version.

You're welcome!



Thank you for your great work!!!


TimeFrame Coefficients

Firstly my thanks to Ferru for his excellent Multi Info indicator and, secondly, my apologies if this point has already been covered in a previous post.

Do the timeframe coefficents in the indicator have to be a whole number? I have tried weighting them to one decimal place eg 0.8 or 1.2, ensuring that their sum always adds up to the number of coefficients, yet an alert window keeps popping up saying "The sum of the coefs must be 7. Your setting is 7!!!"


I've made it work by commenting out the alert, but I still don't understand why it's doing that.

Hi there,

I come to present an indicator to you which I created and who could be useful to some people here. If you are interested, I would be happy to share it.

You can see it attached below.

Let me know what you think about it and i will be back with the code and instructions.

For the moment, the code is very "heavy" (I am not a pro-coder) but all the calculation are OK.

I have make an EA based on this indicator and it seems to be profitable.

A good idea should be to start a thread and comments the indic for make it perfect.

Thanks for your comments.


I modified the code to display the Trend Box in the chart window.

I also created a "history" version that displays the trend tick by tick. It doesn't matter what time frame the chart is displaying, the trend just streams across the bottom. So, in essence, it is a real time trend analyzer.


Thanks for sharing, FerruFX!


Thank you TRO, you are one of the best.

Thank you TRO, you are one of the best.

You're welcome.