The Delta Phenomen - page 4


Who know this software?

Can anybody tell me what's this software?

Does it have english version?



Can anybody tell me what's this software?

Does it have english version?

either custom indicators or any case...astrology don't work...wave59 is just a bunch of crap stolen from different other software packages....




i predict the following either i will be very accurate or very wrong..if correct i have cracked something major if not well then i have lots more to below is based on intuition which tells me every time trends are broken they indicate more than just trend change but actually create the two A-B points what we call as high and lows....this also gives rise to the birth of support and resistance levels which so many have called soo many names...i wil post results as i get more results.For the Now we r in i see

Gold will rise from now to 1000+ touch about 1062

cadchf, sgdjpy are on their way up from now .Waiting for silver to touch about 11.90 then buy will reach about 20 after that



I started in the markets in 1990.

It took me over 10 years and a lot of money to realize that the THEORIES being discussed in this thread are exactly that - THEORIES. Nobody can demonstrate that it is possible to effectively trade over the long term using them as a basic strategy.

Anyone who is telling you that there are mysterious astral / magnetic / geometric / mathematic forces or whatever driving the markets and/or human behavior is probably trying to sell you something, YES??

Please don't bring up Mr. Gann, it is a fact that nobody really knows how he traded.

Most of these "gurus" do not make money from trading, they make money from selling hoakum (bullshit) to others. The fact that the hoakum cannot be disproven keeps them in business.

Just my opinion, you're entitled to yours. Go ahead and buy some of this stuff and judge for yourself. If you come out of it more confused than when you started that should tell you something.

You WILL pay for your education.

Greetings Readers: This is my first post on TSD. One of my pet peeves is in how people misuse the word "theories". An example of that is found in the above post by MNW. With no disrespect intended to MNW, I will note that the word "theory" does not mean a false or unprovable as true proposition. Theory means established body of factual statements that have been verified true using methodological naturalism or the scientific method. For instance Newton's Theory of Universal Gravitation describes a way to calculate the gravitational force or attraction between masses. The Quantum Theory of matter is one of the most successful and well verified bodies of coherent knowledge in physics. Evolution Theory is well established as scientific fact world wide (except for in the minds of religious kooks). defines Theory's primary no.1 meaning as "a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity. "

It is poor diction to write using other than the main definitions without alerting the reader to the intended usage.

Best Wishes and Regards

Can anybody tell me what's this software?

Does it have english version?

probably some 9 year old played with charts while dad was not watching


I made money using The Delta Phenomena.... Sorry to see some on here not having the ability to use it properly....

Its a very simple concept..... The Markets have repeating Cycles and those cycles repeat every 4 full moons.... Thus why on that gold picture seen earlier on this thread you see The 4 Color Lines, each representing the time of when the Full Moon Occurred then the pattern repeating all over again...

The Numbers you see are the turning points and those turning points repeat in the same areas in each of the New Cycles.... That is of course, Unless you get what is called an INVERSE happen in the markets which is when the turning points FLIP and Buy Points become Selling Points and Selling Points Become Buys....

As for those who dont believe in the power of The Moons Phases, Explain the Following Picture.... It clearly proves the Nay Sayers have no idea what they are talking about or how to use this technology..

Even TaylorTrends Dot Com shows how to spot changes in market direction based on The Moon And Gravity....

Just a Little Taste Of How Powerful The Full And New Moons ARE to Market Turning Points!!! Gotta love the skeptics that say this doesnt work HAAA!!!

moonchart.gif  33 kb
either custom indicators or any case...astrology don't work...wave59 is just a bunch of crap stolen from different other software packages....

we are so luky that you are in this forum and you are a depositor of the trought write only b.s. ..........


Moon does have some form of Period prediction power

while forex make us bleed

I just stumple on something while play around INPUT setting, it look like this -- don't ask me to have it, promise to keep it safe (when I was given the indicator) and I know this indicator repaint when movement of a bar exceed 40 pips or so, so I don't have much hope, but it look very very awesome



we are so luky that you are in this forum and you are a depositor of the trought write only b.s. ..........

Thanks Dirt...


trading sistem

I made money using The Delta Phenomena.... Sorry to see some on here not having the ability to use it properly....

Its a very simple concept..... The Markets have repeating Cycles and those cycles repeat every 4 full moons.... Thus why on that gold picture seen earlier on this thread you see The 4 Color Lines, each representing the time of when the Full Moon Occurred then the pattern repeating all over again...

The Numbers you see are the turning points and those turning points repeat in the same areas in each of the New Cycles.... That is of course, Unless you get what is called an INVERSE happen in the markets which is when the turning points FLIP and Buy Points become Selling Points and Selling Points Become Buys....

As for those who dont believe in the power of The Moons Phases, Explain the Following Picture.... It clearly proves the Nay Sayers have no idea what they are talking about or how to use this technology..

Even TaylorTrends Dot Com shows how to spot changes in market direction based on The Moon And Gravity....

Just a Little Taste Of How Powerful The Full And New Moons ARE to Market Turning Points!!! Gotta love the skeptics that say this doesnt work HAAA!!!

dennis the lion you are able to trade with moon phases,please could you put an example of cycles that happened this days?or this new year?i am interesting in this issue but i would understand you dont want talk about because it is a good trading method,

thanks for opening my eyes