Coding help please


Hi all,

I was hoping a coder out there might be able to help with this.

I think it should be pretty easy, but I am unable to code myself.

What I would like to see on the chart, regardless of time frame, a green up arrow whenever a new 3-period high is achieved and a red down arrow whenever a new 3-period low is achieved.

The underlying indicator is a 3 period price channel, I am just unable to code adequately in MT4 to create just the arrow indicators on the chart.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.





... maybe like the attached indicator? It allows you to set the review range to something else than 3 as well, like 5, or 12

EDIT: Slight update, to allow the review time frame to be different from the chart time frame.

EDIT again: changed to more visible arrows, and corrected the indication to consider the chart bar high/low relative the review time frame bars. Note that it make best sense with a review time frame at least as high as presentation time frame (or use 0 for same time frame).

bolt.mq4  4 kb

Thanks Ralph!

That will work great.

I appreciate your taking the time to put this together.

Thanks again,