Golden Section indiсators? - page 6

Hi, It is, (alert english)

you are right

I use russian windows and MT

I do not want teach russian

I want see alert (russian), than find mistake

It's still there bro!

Turn on the pitchfork! Find a pair, when it does not draw properly and bang! So annoying!

still_there.gif  70 kb

It is not same

29.09 I write you about FiboFanMediana

YOU did it?


GS works

r4t4.jpg  38 kb
gf.gif  30 kb

It is not same

29.09 I write you about FiboFanMediana

YOU did it?


GS works

I know what you said before! But my question has been how do you change it? I tried 29.09 on FiboFanMediana and its still there. SO I'm not doing it right... This is so frustrating..


Try to change fibofanmedians & date

10855.gif  24 kb
310821091.gif  32 kb

Try to change fibofanmedians & date

Thank you very much for your help! The alert seem to be gone! Problem solved!

I'm grateful for all your help!


Hey poruchik,

Is there anyway to code this indicator into mt5?


false indicator

Look like v. 3.2 is out:

This indicator is the master basead Andrews.


Regarding Golden Section V3.2

This indicator is the master basead Andrews.


To begin with, I would like to thank the people who have created the indicators for the golden spiral (and other golden indicators)

However, upon further testing on my computer, I found that the indicator itself figures out the centre and radius of the spiral (by looking at the highest and lowest points or some other method used by the programmer and creates it).

I was wondering if it is possible to simply create a golden spiral where you first click on the centre of the circle and then the point from where the spiral will start and simply get a spiral (with an option for specifying clockwise or anti clockwise spiral).

I have tried using a lot of other programs created by others on MT4 but it would seem that they too are not so simple and dont allow the setting of the point from where the spiral will start.

If such a program (indicator or script) is already available, I would be extremely grateful if somebody could provide me the link for the same.



I like to put this indicator on my screen and walk away so when other people walk by they see the craziness and think, "Wow, this guy must be smart!"