Golden Section indiсators?


someone was talking about it over on yahoo. I want to see i fits any good. tanks dudes.

Ted Noogent:
someone was talking about it over on yahoo. I want to see i fits any good. tanks dudes.

hope this help

hope this help

I attached this to my chart and it looks like a spiders web!

What is the best way to interpret and trade this indicator?

I attached this to my chart and it looks like a spiders web! What is the best way to interpret and trade this indicator?

I reckon if you don't understand it, ditch it and keep it simple

I reckon if you don't understand it, ditch it and keep it simple

But it has to be the prettiest indicator I've ever seen! LOL!

I am actually looking for a cycle indicator to use with my sup/res pivot points indicator...trying to combine time and price for entries.

Do you know of any?

But it has to be the prettiest indicator I've ever seen! LOL!

I am actually looking for a cycle indicator to use with my sup/res pivot points indicator...trying to combine time and price for entries.

Do you know of any?

yeah it might look cool and stuff, but wtf? I cant trade that thing. It look like something out of X-Files. plus, no docs or guide on what to even do with the damn thing. whatever happened to good old candles and pivots? I'll just wait for steinitz HAS ea.


Kewl. Thanks for the indicator. That's what I need.


Up date

Kewl. Thanks for the indicator. That's what I need.

Hi banzai..

Up date indicators..

hope you like it


This is a very interesting thread, however, I think the name should be changed from "Golden Shower" to "Golden Section"...if you have to ask why, do a Google on "Golden Shower" and see what comes up!


Look like v. 3.2 is out:

This is a very interesting thread, however, I think the name should be changed from "Golden Shower" to "Golden Section"...if you have to ask why, do a Google on "Golden Shower" and see what comes up!

I LMAO every time this hits the new posts.