95% of traders fail - page 11


When most individuals embark on a journey of trying to become a trader, they think about how much money they can, should, or need to make.

This is why the 95% of them fail.

The pain and stress of loss make them question their research and makes them afraid to take the next trade. 5% of us think about trading from a perspective of risk and just let the profits come out as a result of a proper trader mindset. This 5%, once they’ve fully learned whatever high probability method they’ve decided to use, never fear the next trade. To them, loss is a part of the business. The pain that is part and parcel to the gain. If you want to be one of the 5%, you cannot go into it thinking like the herd. Trader logic is not intuitive. It is learned. Prepare your mind to accept risk and loss before the trade begins and join the realm of the 5%.


It can be. Because, the real success of Forex is really too much complicated. Traders need, long time trading experience, huge knowledge about technical and fundamental analysis, good trading plan As well as professional trading strategy for making here consistent success.