95% of traders fail


... we've all heard it, and if oandas trade book is correct http://fxtrade.oanda.com/resources/trastats/positionsummary.shtml 95% is pretty accurate


it seems that we are stuck in a very high risk games...my goodness..

are we in a correct direction to rich?


True Dat..!

I use to be customer service rep for IBFX. ( please don't hate me, lol... ) Some nights when it was slow, I would surf the server and look for accounts that were "net positive" from the time that they were first opened. I never found one...... so yes, I would say at least 95%.... Maybe we should all get together and just open a broker...? lol....


But surprisingly you will find so many self claimed successful traders in this type of forums.


Yes that's correct !, many people here left their offline job because they can make a lot of money from forex.



Yes, I agree that we have a lot of profitable traders in this forum. I was just trying to point out that you won't find a lot of profitable traders using market makers. We have all moved to ECN's... The "dealing desk" model wasn't designed to help traders make money... just brokers...

Personally, I know of more than 20 full time traders that make a steady living at this, so don't give up hope... just trade smart...

Yes, I agree that we have a lot of profitable traders in this forum. I was just trying to point out that you won't find a lot of profitable traders using market makers. We have all moved to ECN's... The "dealing desk" model wasn't designed to help traders make money... just brokers... Personally, I know of more than 20 full time traders that make a steady living at this, so don't give up hope... just trade smart...

Excellent Shredded Synth Guitar...


I believe that statistic, primarily because about 95% of the systems that I hear about are crap too.

Crappy System = Losing Trader

You do the math...