95% of traders fail - page 10


Actually new traders are willing to earn profit devoid of learning Forex rightfully. And they also are not able to control emotions or greed in their trading time because of missing of knowledge in Forex. And they also have an inclination to get success in a little time that is not probable at all. So maximum traders are unsuccessful in Forex.


The 95% seems to be correct - the "no it is not" is a PR

From Alpari data :

116,000 clients of which 27,000 were active in the last 12 months, 22,000 active within the last six months and 12,000 active within the last month

I can't believe it . Is it really true ?

I can't believe it . Is it really true ?

Yes. it is true

See this : https://leaprate.com/2015/01/alpari-uk-confidential-information-memorandum-details-leaprate-exclusive/


Bad data

Showing much more than it was ever intended to show


I just got an email from Carlos Diaz (of Foresight FX ) about whether it is a good idea to trade News Releases.

Of course he says no it isn't. But he obviously knows crap about how the Institutions trade News Releases (or even how the ex-Floor traders trade them).

The answer is a resounding YES, but trade them the right way. I traded the GU on the UK Manufacturing PMI this morning.

I traded it long for 15 pips (an Undercooked trade i.e price not reflecting the new post news fair value).

Then I traded it short off the spike high (an Overcooked i.e. price more than reflecting the new fair value) for another 10 pips.

I wish I had stayed with that 2nd trade because it just kept going.

The best 3 out of 4 good news trades ALL require you being able to calculate the new fair value based on the news announcement.

You can :

1. Trade the pre-news positioning by the big boys - all completed BEFORE the news comes out.

2. Trade a Contra (enter before news and exit after news) when too big a pre-news price move means that the news forecast is over factored in.

3. Trade and Undercooked or Overcooked ( entry and exit both after the news).

4. Trade a short term pullback in the impulsive move after a big news release.

All of those have high to decent strike rate and good to amazing Return to Risk.

But hardly anybody teaches them!

So you are probably wondering if All news releases can be traded like that?

All I can say to that is not by me they can't.

For me to trade a news release I need a nice uncomplicated release (not too many others out at the same time).

I need one that is historically predictable - one that previous fair value calculations would have given decent trades.

I need ones that are not too Huge or Spiky - I need to be able to get a trade on and exit it without paying a huge spread, or getting my stop loss spiked out.

My Broker doesn't offer MT4 on the my live account, so I use a demo for charting.

So please forgive the MT4 chart mark-up:


Some people mistake me for another guy.

I am on some other Forums under the same name.

But not a certain disreputable one - where there is somebody else using the same login name.


We must understand that forex trading is risky. We will fail here if we do not understand how risky forex is and we also don't have any knowledge and trading skills. When we already experienced failure, we must try to learn from it so we will be more ready to face any conditions.


There is infinite number of conditions in financial time series. There is no way to learn all the conditions.


I think that statistic is not accurate. Now maximum traders are so advanced in their Forex life. But it is casually true that many people are fail in Forex due to having a tendency to earn profit devoid of learning. In addition, although I did loss much time but now I have overcome my loss very rapidly by supporting of MXTrade. This trading broker provides me to trade almost 50 up currencies. So my trading performance is increasing very quickly.