Can the developed Moving Average templates do this?


I am accustomed to thinking about programming in terms of subroutines and functions. Just starting to learn MSQl4.

I see Moving Average templates as part of the platform that I am using, but my question is this:

I want to be able to have a "function" that I can call at each tick and have it return the values from three different moving average calulations. So, are there routines that will do this now and all that I need to do is call them with the proper parameters.

My first EA will be to just have that calculation done and to display the values as each new bar appears.

Would somebody point me in the proper direction for this first step, please?

Thnak you.


moving average EA

Thanks for the link. I am reviewing the lessons now, but was seeking to begin a bit more basic.

I suppose what I will need to do is use one of the examples as a base and remove what is irrelevant for my immediate needs. That certainly is one way to learn.
