Need an indicator for timezone


I want to using indicator below to show the timezone for different places.But the time displayed is not correct compare with Qlock.anyone can teach me how to make it right?My timezone is +8GMT.


From looking at what Clock V1_2 is showing, you have the local timezone of your computer set to GMT. Open up the Date and Time control panel and check the Timezone tab. It should say GMT +8:00 to match your local timezone. If it doesn't, change it and reset your local date and time as well.

If that doesn't fix it, post again and I'll look into it.


sorry,posted wrong indicator.should be this 1.nothing much can be set for this indicator.only can set position,local time and 12 Hr format.all time are wrong!

sorry,posted wrong indicator.should be this 1.nothing much can be set for this indicator.only can set position,local time and 12 Hr format.all time are wrong!

I wrote the Clock V1_2 indicator. It depends on your computer to get the correct local timezone.

Try following the instructions at Microsoft to set the timezone of your computer


my timezone is GMT+8.local time was display correctly but time for others location all are incorrect.i am sure i set the correct timezone in my PC

GMT : 23:54

NY : 19:54 (11:54)

London: 00:54 (16:64)

Tokyo : 08:54 (01:00)

Time on red are incorrect time.time on right should be the actual time


The version of Clock you have has been modified alot. Can you download and try the original version from this thread:


still no luck with the original 1.the time is still wrong.


I'm not sure what to suggest.

Can you do the following? Post another screen shot like the first you posted, but with your Date and Time control panel opened. Also if you can go to and post a shot of the map at the same time.

My version makes a Windows system call to get the current local time and the timezone. It then calculates GMT from the local time by subtracting the timezone, then calculates the cities times from GMT.

The local time on your chart is the the time the system is returning to the indicator, so if that's wrong everything else will be wrong. Or if the timezone is wrong, which is what I orignally suspected.


refer to second post.Local time is correct.London and NY time should -8 hours in order to display it correctly.Tokyo time need to add +8 Hour.

time.gif  15 kb
timezone.gif  64 kb
refer to second post.Local time is correct.London and NY time should -8 hours in order to display it correctly.Tokyo time need to add +8 Hour.

Hi amenlo9,

Try this. It should be correct for GMT+8 timezone. Just load it without altering anything.


Hi amenlo9,

Try this. It should be correct for GMT+8 timezone. Just load it without altering anything.


thank you!this 1 is really working very well.