D'Alembert-Based Trading Systems - page 3



This has not been a lengthy thread, why haven't you bothered to read it?

Read the first post, do your own research and prove or disprove it for yourself.


in case anyone is still interested. i coded binary money mgmt. for anyone who wants to backtest their system with binary MM, follow these insructions.

see binary example

double binaryMM(double accpercent, int sltp, int tau, int MAGIC)

computes binary money management and returns the number of lots to be traded.

accpercent: the percentage of the account that will be designated for trading. More specifically for computing the total account units.

sltp: the number pips the sl and tp are equally set at

tau: total account units

MAGIC: the EA's magic number

example:: double lots = binaryMM(100,15,100,0);

this will only work on backtesting. if anyone would like an unlocked version to demo or trade live please PM me.


D Albert systems

I know of one - Binary Equation Trading.

On this site, the "results" on a D Albert system is published "live" (well, monthly or so) and it is impressive indeed.

In fact, I bought this system (trying to learn more) but unfortunately, I cannot get even close to the required win/loose ratio (as published on the site - and using their strategy.) so, it did not work for me.

Even so - interesting reading for those so inclined.



Please see the "Binary Equation" thread.

It is NOT a pure D'Alembert system, despite the author's claims.


How do I backtest this? Do I need to send you a strategy that you can use the bainary money management with? I do not understand your post

in case anyone is still interested. i coded binary money mgmt. for anyone who wants to backtest their system with binary MM, follow these insructions.

see binary example

double binaryMM(double accpercent, int sltp, int tau, int MAGIC)

computes binary money management and returns the number of lots to be traded.

accpercent: the percentage of the account that will be designated for trading. More specifically for computing the total account units.

sltp: the number pips the sl and tp are equally set at

tau: total account units

MAGIC: the EA's magic number

example:: double lots = binaryMM(100,15,100,0);

this will only work on backtesting. if anyone would like an unlocked version to demo or trade live please PM me.

you need to add this to your library and include files. se the example of how to use the method to get lots. if your not a programmer you can send me your ea and i will set it up for you.


Hi Nicholishen,

Why don't you just share the source code here (even as a function)? it should be more simple to use it than to call a compiled library...


Hi Nicholishen,

Why don't you just share the source code here (even as a function)? it should be more simple to use it than to call a compiled library...


I'm sorry, I don't understand. What's the lack of simplicity regarding a compiled library with one clearly defined function to call?

I'm sorry, I don't understand. What's the lack of simplicity regarding a compiled library with one clearly defined function to call?

You already said the answer :

you need to add this to your library and include files. se the example of how to use the method to get lots. if your not a programmer you can send me your ea and i will set it up for you.

Otherwise you can just copy-paste a piece of code, then the EA remains autonome and more easy to share.

You already said the answer : Otherwise you can just copy-paste a piece of code, then the EA remains autonome and more easy to share.

Ha... it's a little more complex than just a simple piece of code. The binary MM algorithm is what it is. The 6 different methods that comprise the binary MM library are task specific and it would take a total re-write to make it applicable to any other sequencing or alternative betting strategies. Posting code would be no more beneficial to the community than what i have already done. If you have an EA that test good with the binary strat, then you can do one of two things to get the unlocked version for live and demo trading. You can 1. Send me the version of the EA for trading along with a backtesting statement and NDA if it makes you feel better OR 2. send $1500 to my paypal.

My guess is - if it were an easy thing that didn't take long to write, it would have been done years ago (especially to put all this speculation to rest). Regardless of what you believe my time to be worth, I have a value. If you, like most people are looking for a free lunch then kindly move on. If you want to make some money then lets partner up.