New Tool : Volume , Selling / Buying Pressure - page 2


hello LowPhat

hello LowPhat ..

I think that it was my idea to measure the Buying/Selling Pressure by using upticks/downticks ... Right ? There is NO thread about that here as I guess.

second point : ok .. What does annoyed you exactly ?

You can join us to improve this for the best efficiency .. waiting you ..

I'v thanked you for all the efforts you done .. but : We are here to get Real Work for Sharing ..

thanx all you again ...

waiting more contributions .. with more depth ideas ..

yes you guessed my starting code right all cept for all the code i had disabled because it was not ready yet and other versions not yet shared. measuring pips between tiks, 3 alt methods for calculation/visulation, alerts for certain levels along with a few other options but im kind of annoyed that someone took the start of what i was working on which predates this thread and puts there name for copyright holder, email, and webad. perhaps im over reacting though

Ohh... guess that this is about me

Don't be mad phat, I didn't saw any copyright notice in fact I asked if the person who started this thread has nothing against to post the code. I wrote the code with my own - didn't used yours - that is why there are my copyrights notices. If you would like to see your copyrights in the indicator - post your version with them inside - with the code.

And the idea? I also figured out how this works by my own. I didn't asked you how it works, I didn't decompiled your ex4 file. I just thought that this is so simple indicator, so simple code, that we don't have to make a big secret of it - that is why I posted mq4 version.

my only issue was credit

something like

Code by Kalenzo Concept taken from would have sufficed

I see now that may have been to much to ask for and i was probably wrong.

I have had a lack of sleep lately maybe that explains it. by all means continue with the real work for sharing. I didnt mean to get in the way.

happy pip hunting

Hm.. oh yea, you should sleep a little more I have the same problems when I'm not sleeping enough (like 2-4 hours/day).

Let's close the copyrights thread Your idea to put the link to this thread in the code is good, and I will do this each time when I will be posting here something, it will be also a nice advert of this great forum!


wrong !

hello ..

Huh ..

Isn't thier any contributions ?

still waiting , pals


The best tool for showing ticks is a candle.


I need sleep *****es