**Steinitz** Method Revealed Here - page 49


"Refreshing" issue

Thanks. I am using the earlier "Freedom Bars" MTF for the moment as it seems to keep up with the changing of bars. Do you know of any issues with this indicator I should know about? Thanks

4TF HAS BARS always have had refreshing issues. Nothing new here. If there is anyone on here that would like to look at the code and see if it could be improved upon to allow refreshing automatically that would be great.

For now please do either to refresh:

1. Change TF back and forth once

2. Change template back and forth once (if you have >1 template)
Thanks. I am using the earlier "Freedom Bars" MTF for the moment as it seems to keep up with the changing of bars. Do you know of any issues with this indicator I should know about? Thanks

No other issues. Minor annoyance but worth the hassle. I am confident that at some point we can tackle this as get it fixed. Right now I am involved in the development of an EA for the HAS.



Membership is growing and inching towards 175. Keep those PM's coming in. When asking for membership please indicate if you want one or both of: "alert" and/or "word doc's" from previous postings compiled from Forex Factory.

A member has prepared a wonderful PDF or e-book on how to trade this system. He has begun the process and I am looking it over for any errors. I advised him to keep going all the way through both methods. It's a impressive book and will certainly help our members with a clear understanding of the HAS methods.

He describes his method which is slightly different then my original set of rules. Instead of exiting the same way as you enter by waiting for the two sets of opposite color bars he exits with just one opposite color bar.

That is not a bad idea especially on higher TF's. If/when you exit prematurely on whatever TF you are on you can always get back in if that was a head fake. The important thing is you made PIPS and kept them. If you want back in and you are in the middle of a trend just go to plan "B" the Scalping method.

Try this and see how you do. I think it's better to have some "pip a roons" in the old pocket then to have gave them all back. As they say in the casino business there's always a game going on and you can always come right back later.

Many of you have asked about donating money for EA development. In due time I will discuss more about that but for now it is being worked by the best there is. Please don't bother to start one yourself as some have suggested. Rest assured Rolls Royce's are hand crafted and made slowly and carefully.


Answer to nagging question

I just figured out why my trades would sometimes close or open mysteriously without my doing. In my spare time I test some EA's that I have retrieved from various sites to see how they perform and to get to understand MT4 and how to utilize the backtesting.

As you know I have floating trades that are open until they show at least a 25 pip profit then I close them out. Well when I was testing these EA's they would generate some new openned trades and close some other trades. There lies the problem. It was causing chaos with my manual trades that were floating.

So I will need to start over with my testing and tinker with other EA's on my other computers in my home. I just hate to see a closed out position that I didn't authorize.

I just figured out why my trades would sometimes close or open mysteriously without my doing. In my spare time I test some EA's that I have retrieved from various sites to see how they perform and to get to understand MT4 and how to utilize the backtesting.

As you know I have floating trades that are open until they show at least a 25 pip profit then I close them out. Well when I was testing these EA's they would generate some new openned trades and close some other trades. There lies the problem. It was causing chaos with my manual trades that were floating.

So I will need to start over with my testing and tinker with other EA's on my other computers in my home. I just hate to see a closed out position that I didn't authorize.

That had crossed my mind but I figured you had thought about that already. That was the only plausible explanation.


Thank You Don

Wanted to share with "The Steinitz Group", a beautiful trade I just closed out. It's still running, but I am Very Happy with my "slice of today's pie".

(enter short 160.97, exit 160.32; net 61 pips).

Don, again Thank You for sharing this, and to all the others who continue to help further enhance, share their experience and tips, and move this method forward in a positive direction.



Not to take from your thread or shoot you down,

But I see the frustrations of several of the posters.

I'm sure the reason they are frustraded is because of late entries, and or not fully understanding your system. Many of them most likey did not read the entire thread.

I do not visit many forums as often as I used to, and hate the Forex factory forum, too many Pussys over there.

Attached is an indicator made by a Russian programmer, Talex,

Elsewhere on this forum someone posted an ebook on the pitchfork (came from a Chineese forum) Do yourself a favor and read about the pitchfork

now add Talex's indicator to your chart and system, there should not be any doubts about your trade

Thanks for comming to this forum Stienitz


Well I darn sure don't know how to interpet that but it is the COOLEST looking indicator I've ever seen....

Not to take from your thread or shoot you down,

But I see the frustrations of several of the posters.

I'm sure the reason they are frustraded is because of late entries, and or not fully understanding your system. Many of them most likey did not read the entire thread.

I do not visit many forums as often as I used to, and hate the Forex factory forum, too many Pussys over there.

Attached is an indicator made by a Russian programmer, Talex,

Elsewhere on this forum someone posted an ebook on the pitchfork (came from a Chineese forum) Do yourself a favor and read about the pitchfork

now add Talex's indicator to your chart and system, there should not be any doubts about your trade

Thanks for comming to this forum Stienitz

No doubts? The only thing I have no doubt about is that Agent Smith is lurking somewhere in that indicator.

Got any info on how to trade with the Talex indicator?

Not to take from your thread or shoot you down,

But I see the frustrations of several of the posters.

I'm sure the reason they are frustraded is because of late entries, and or not fully understanding your system. Many of them most likey did not read the entire thread.

I do not visit many forums as often as I used to, and hate the Forex factory forum, too many Pussys over there.

Attached is an indicator made by a Russian programmer, Talex,

Elsewhere on this forum someone posted an ebook on the pitchfork (came from a Chineese forum) Do yourself a favor and read about the pitchfork

now add Talex's indicator to your chart and system, there should not be any doubts about your trade

Thanks for comming to this forum Stienitz

That is a good point of view as well as Bluto. Both of you are making senses so keep up the good work and glad to see you guys don't give up. I can't understand or follow this phew Steintiz's methods.
