Ban Member = Forextrades!! - page 2

thats not bad idea ) but then there will be less people coz will be not easy to get in as now, so worst for Forum.

Still ppls can log as guests but they can not post, the probelm is that scammers can post and create new accounts at any time.

later if a guest wants to be a member he have to seek a member from his own country and establish contact then later then member will recomend if that guest should be granted access or not... by then even traders will start to know each other on a personal level.. and share experaince

Still ppls can log as guests but they can not post, the probelm is that scammers can post and create new accounts at any time. later if a guest wants to be a member he have to seek a member from his own country and establish contact then later then member will recomend if that guest should be granted access or not... by then even traders will start to know each other on a personal level.. and share experaince

yep thats better but some users are lazyand also not experienced with browsing on internet so they will not contact anybody from their coutry ) coz they will dont know how to find them or how to contact them )


Banning is nothing. Completely nothing. It will not affect on anything. The only way is to create the threads which treberk created now here making attention to all the members. It is more effective than banning.

I just count now: we have 112 usernames banned permanently and 24 usernames temporarily banned. 'Temporarily' means 245 days banning, 564 days banning ... Almost pernamanently. 136 in total. And how many real users? Nobody knows ... because it is banning just virtual nicknames ...

Banning IP addresses is affecting on the location and internet provider only. For example if person is having dynamic IP address so it means some country, city and his internet provider. If we ban dymanic IP so half a country may be banned in this case with many good members.

I had some problem with one spammer (spammer, not scammer). This spammer used dynamic IP addresses and posted very bad messages in Phoenix threads and everywhere using different usernames. I banned, he registered once again,... it was as a game I checked IP and realize that if we ban his IP so almost all his city will not have access to our forum. I spent many weeks investigating who this person and why he is doing it (he is not coder and he is one of respectable member till now). But it takes a time.

As to forextrades so he did many posts in many threads. Uncommercial posts. He registered on our forum in December 2005 and did more than 60 posts having reputation level 10 and did not sell/scam/spam anybody untill he created commercial thread. He acted as normal user. The same with everybody. And he was part of our community. But then he decided to sell and became a scammer just in one day: good or regular guy became a bad guy just in one day. I closed his commercial thread 6 months ago and he stopped posting on the forum at all: his last post was 25th of September 2006.

I will not delete the posts because it is our history and every post is as published work or as an article already written and placed in the library.

Scammers are not coming to the forum from the moon for example. Forex community is not big and many people know each other. Besides, I am reading every new post on the forum during a day. Every single post.

Only ways to be protected from the scammers are the following:

- open the thread in this non-related section about it (the same with this thread) making attention to the members about some case(s).

- and ask some senior members about EA/indicator selling. There are a lot of experienced members here so many people can help to estimate or evaluate some selling products. Ask opinion of other people. And make attention to the fact that forum in acting as public place. It means that we are comminuty of very different people and some people are doing promotion and so on. The reason people are posting something is different as well. So, just select the persons you believe in and ask.


Thank you Newdigital for taking care of this site means a lot to us, I hope traders (Juniors and Seniors) use this site as a tool to learn not to spam/scam other traders.






Hi gpw797,

I deleted all the post concerning this EA.

The reason is the following: we do not have any commercial thread concerning this EA and we will not have any thread concerning this EA. No any good words and no any bad words. Nothing.

If the author wants to create discussion so he will create his own forum for that. Not on our forum.

Please understand me.