What are major news for GBPUSD & other currencies?


Every pair has kind of special set of news that make huge market jumps in a range of 10-30 minutes or so, these kind of moves can be seen on the graph. Can you pls help me with some infomation on important news corresponding to each currency pair (or particularly for gbpusd)?

I believe these can be traded smoothly using trailing stops.

Aleksandr Nevskiy:
Every pair has kind of special set of news that make huge market jumps in a range of 10-30 minutes or so, these kind of moves can be seen on the graph. Can you pls help me with some infomation on important news corresponding to each currency pair (or particularly for gbpusd)? I believe these can be traded smoothly using trailing stops.

The mian page for forexfactory.com has the news, how strong they are and on which pair .. you can even filter the currency pairs or change the time of the news to correspond to your time.

another source is http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/ecalendar/index.html







the list is long but that should be a good start for you ... personaly www.forexfactory.com is more than enough


News Trading...

I do not remember where i got this from, but it is useful for traders that want to trade the news. Unfortunatly I can not take credit for it, nor name who the credit should go to..but thanks..

see attachment


thx a lot Minime & Jimbo!

I do not remember where i got this from, but it is useful for traders that want to trade the news. Unfortunatly I can not take credit for it, nor name who the credit should go to..but thanks.. see attachment

Jimbo, is this a static excel document or there's some place, where I can enter newer data? it's such an amazing job, I was myself thinking about something like that...

Aleksandr Nevskiy:
Jimbo, is this a static excel document or there's some place, where I can enter newer data? it's such an amazing job, I was myself thinking about something like that...

It seems to be static excel sheet, its would have been great if it has macros to link it to forexfactory.com or anyother news site


like I mentioned before, I do not remember where i got it from, but I have used it for a "reference" on how to setup plays on News Releases.

It shows the typical reaction of the events with different currency pairs.

Last wednesday I setup the straddle on the GBP/$ for the BOE Meeting Minutes and made about 40 pips. Then repeated on the EUR/$ on the Interest Rate Statement ..another 40 pips.

I made sure to set the straddle a little wider than recommended. I used +/- 15pip on anything that Forex Factory Calendar showed as High Impact.


U.K. economy grows at fastest annual rate since 2007

The U.K. economy grew 0.7% in the final quarter of 2013, to record the fastest annual rate of growth since 2007, according to preliminary data released by the Office of National Statistics on Tuesday.

The U.K. economy grew 0.7% in the final three months of 2013, slowing slightly from growth of 0.8% in the previous quarter, and expanded 2.8% from a year earlier.

U.K. gross domestic product expanded 1.9% in 2013, much stronger than the 0.3% growth in 2012, and the fastest annual rate of growth since the financial crisis.

Overall growth remains 1.3% below its pre-financial crisis peak in the first quarter of 2008, and well the growth seen in 2007, when the economy grew by 3.4%.

Output in Britain's dominant service sector, which comprises more than three quarters of GDP, rose by 0.8% in the fourth quarter, matching growth in the previous quarter, which was the fastest in a year.

Manufacturing output expanded 0.9%, but industrial output growth slowed to 0.7% from 0.8% in the previous quarter, as oil and natural gas output fell. Construction output fell by 0.3%.

"We have now seen four successive quarters of significant growth and the economy does seem to be improving more consistently," Joe Grice, chief economist at the ONS said.

read more


Despite fastest growth since 2007, it is pertinent that quarterly growt is negative. Moreover, we have recently seen a big U-Turn from Bank of England about interest rate that affected cable negatively on Friday. I think pond is poised for a meaningful and much awaited correction now.


BoE Minutes, U.K. Unemployment Data Due

The minutes of the last monetary policy meeting of the Bank of England and British unemployment figures are due on Wednesday, headlining a light day for the European economic news.

U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is set to announce pre-election budget later today. Although he is expected to announce some relief and schemes including tax-free childcare programme, he will stick to tough public finance consolidation.

At 3.45 am ET, French current account figures for January are due. The deficit totaled EUR 1.2 billion in December.

At 5.30 am ET, the Bank of England is set to publish minutes of the monetary policy meeting held on March 5 and 6. The bank maintained the asset purchase programme at GBP 375 billion and the interest rate at 0.50 percent.

In the meantime, the Office for National Statistics is slated to release U.K. labor market statistics for February. The claimant count is forecast to decline by 25,000 in February after falling 27,600 in January.

The ILO jobless rate is seen at 7.2 percent in three months to January.

At 6.00 am ET, Eurostat is set to issue labor cost data for the fourth quarter. Eurozone labor cost rose 1 percent on a yearly basis in the third quarter.

At 9.00 am ET, Poland's industrial output and producer prices are due. Industrial output is expected to fall 1 percent month-on-month in February, following a 2.9 percent rise. Economists forecast producer prices to fall 1.1 percent annually after easing 0.9 percent in January.
