Kolachi Method of Trading - page 5



Thanks for the kind words.

I am always willing to support anyone who wants to learn it.But guys start to expect spoon feeding that is some what difficult.I want traders to do home work and ask me relevant questions by posting charts.

I will reply each and every post by explaining Kolachi rules.


It's amazing result....why dont we focus on thus system ? Lets discuss here again


Hi can anyone explain me about the slope of 5wma in this method please thanks

Hi can anyone explain me about the slope of 5wma in this method please thanks

can you post template please



the template

Hi this is the template

km.zip  1 kb

Hi Kolachi,

Is this thread still on? How can I use Kolachi method on daily chart? I only can check daily chart once a day. (GMT0:00)

Happy trading



and arrows to be spotted

but no indicator at all

Hi All,

Following has been copy pasted from Kolachi Trader website to let the trades know about this important aspect of Kolachi Trading.


This is kinda what I mean. It's a little bit lounge lizardy to slap a name on something that has been known to traders since the beginning of time. What you are showing in that pic is most commonly known as the rainbow effect and there are many threads on it. You can't just slap your name on it with (LOL) a copywrite symbol. First of all it should be a trade mark and not a (C) and second you can't copywrite a trading method or a pattern, only what you call it. Third, it' already been discovered so stop trying to claim it as your own.

I'm not trying to be mean here it's just that I've seen this before. Next he'll be directing people to his website for some live trades, but oops! it's paying members only.

Tisk tisk .

I rest my case:


Kolachi Traders are being offered this last chance of joinning Kolachi Live Mentoring at the most discounted rate of 700 USD


Now I know that some wouldn't say that he's using this thread to promote his web site and or whatever services he's offering but I say he is, since he has mentioned his web site many times. Unless I'm mistaken this forum has a commercial section, this isn't it.

Here's my prediction:

He won't ever actually share the profitable mechanics of his system (if there are any) because that would cut into his bottom line.


I wonder if someone noticed when thread was started (03-21-2007, 03:40 AM ) and when was last post (04-22-2009 08:07 AM) and post before that (02-26-2008 02:53 PM)


Yeah I just noticed. I thought it was just put up today. I just don't want people to get suckered, it happens all the time with threads like these.

This guy was trying to sell a $1000 mentoring program from a website that looks like my 6 year old brother could have put it together and yet people will fall for it.

All you guys need is a firm understanding of support and resistance. Very, very few indicators actually do any good. Moving Averages? Forget about them.

MACD? Crap. Those are the most recommended indicators in existence. It follows then that most traders who use them should be rich. Piff, not even close. Lagging indicators look good on screen but in real time will whip saw you to death. If the basis of your 'system' is a lagging indicator you are in serious trouble.

Just learn about support and resistance and get lots of screen time on ONE major currency pair to start.

(picks up soap box and walks away)