Jitterbug and WaveRider


Hello Forex-TSD

I look for a EA that called Jitterbug and WaveRider, did anyone know where i can get it?



lol good luck


You need to speak to Blutothe author. However I really don't like your chances!

You need to speak to Blutothe author. However I really don't like your chances!

Yeah ! Probably much easier to win LOTO than to get this EA...

( not to offend BLUTO, i understand his decision.... Just kidding )


Bluto has said he is going to kindly release some of the wave rider type logic in his goblin update

so the closest you will get is this so keep an eye on blutos goblin thread

im excitedly waiting too :-)



Waverider and jitterbug are Bluto's brainchild. He will share it if he feels like or will not. If it makes obscene profits, then he has the right to keep all of it or share it with his friends. I am sure if you can come up with an idea like that, you will want to do the same thing too. Your talk about a "secret society" kind of gives a negative feeling, so I just wanted to make sure that there is nothing negative the way Bluto is handling this.

Good luck.


the goblin thread is here and there is some mention of the aforemntioned experts later in the thread


Ted Noogent:
I saw some guys talking about it on one of the other fx sites

Damn, I can see you to, and you are an idiot lol

Ted, what you don't realize being new and all, is that Bluto and alot of other very good programmers and testers collaborated together to work out the bugs and provide input on what to do to fix the holes in the Martingale system. Bluto took all his knowledge and the knowledge of others and created his own 'Fixed' EA. You see, I'm not the only one who is a little ticked off. You flamed me in another post for saying that Bluto says he's going to release another version here and I'm saying it's a crippled version..... If I sell you a car and I know that it is missing the distributor cap to fix it but you don't know it, the car will not work properly, is it not crippled? By Bluto posting an EA that he knows is missing code to fix it and is telling us to basically fix it ourselves is that fair? He wouldn't have 'perfected' it if it wasn't for the other contributors here. Maybe the others who he thought helped him the most has a copy of it but I don't think it was right for you to flame me for saying what I did. I think I had good reason to feel that way.


look! bluto has said he would post a version that will decrease drawdown

in the past 2 weeks i have found so many goblin hybrids that i cant really sort the wheat from the chaff(sp?)

anyhow any input is good input (as long as it works) I can understand how busy it can get being a programmer and no one is really going to just give you something that will print money - at least I havent found anyone yet!

We are all money changers in the temple - lets not fight folks!

Ted Noogent:
Dude were all looking for a good ea but give me a f'ing break. This guy is offering up a improved version and your were over on that post whining like a little crybaby about getting a crippled version like he owes you something. Goblins already a good ea anyway and maybe the next one will be even better and you want to bitch and moan like a sissy. Anyways all i ever see is guys f'ing around with settings. Not you or nobody offered any new ideas about jack and I bet whatever is in the new version is completly new stuff you didnt even think about so dont act like you contributed anythig new and now he owes you something. Ive been looking everywhere google yahoo fxfisherman here, you name it for a good ea and we might just get it or pretty close so you need to shut up and be happy with what you get or else go make your own. if you can that is. or are you just anotehr dude looking for handouts. yeah I think so.

Maybe your right, it's just that I've been testing and testing up the 'wazzo' and in the end I'm disappointed in the weekly results. When someone says I have this puzzle that your looking for but unfortunately I can't give you all the pieces, I get a little frustrated. No disrespect to Bluto I guess it's his right to come to this forum for some help and answers to a problem then keep the solution. Oh, well, good luck to you all and happy trading



Are you crazy to post Bluto's email address on a public forum ???

Please edit your post.
