The tightest spreads available - page 2



Do you have a live trading account with Crown trading substantial amounts... say 1mm lot sizes (10 standard lots) atleast? Have you done your due diligence on the Crown? If you have, can you post your findings here? What I have read, they are a jordan based bucketshop having a Swiss facade. The 1 pip spread is useless when you get requoted and miss your trades or get unfavorable entries.


Should I feel bad

Hmm, this thread makes me feel bad for becoming an IB.

Then again, I dont have flash LOL.

We all try, dont we



Welcome to the business. You need thick skin to succeed in it as there are enough bitter souls in it to make your lips pucker. I think some people are missing the point of this thread. It isn't the bash Crown Thread it's the get paid a rebate on the trades you make every day thread. As for Crown they have their advantages and disadvantages just like any other broker or order system I have ever worked with. I will be happy to offer a rebate on an alternate system. I like Crown because I let the market come to me, not chase it like an amateur and they have a guaranteed fill policy on the limits I place. For the guy who wants to jump in and pick up 3 pips and get out again and burn himself out in the process 9or have a robot do it for him) they are not the answer. In that case I can offer you an even larger rebate through a different company. In fact I can even rebate you on options trades! Let me know if that would interest you by emaling us at or calling 888-481-7629

Well I don't know what part of the world you live in but here now it's the women who have the foul language and the men play second fiddle

I am in the cold civilized part of the world I gave you a hint I speak French and English.

Scottdkuehne, we did not miss the point ... if you have not noticed this site is full of pro traders. Very tight spreads will not be a big issue when it comes to trust, we don't live on 1 or 2 pips difference, its good to have but its nothing for a trader who makes 40 to 100 pips a day.

So far we gave you lots of hints about your site, you should work on solving these issues then establish trust over time.

Wish you luck


SCAM ..... stay away

Scott, Do you have a live trading account with Crown trading substantial amounts... say 1mm lot sizes (10 standard lots) atleast? Have you done your due diligence on the Crown? If you have, can you post your findings here? What I have read, they are a jordan based bucketshop having a Swiss facade. The 1 pip spread is useless when you get requoted and miss your trades or get unfavorable entries.

Anything to do with that part of the world stay away from it, I have done some works for Govemnets and Royal familes and they don't pay, and these compaines are owned by either Gov or Royal familes....

SCAM ..... stay away


Crown is a SCAM


Excellent post Minime.

Scott, I have got your point on earning rebates. It is a great idea and I hope you get some business. I am really not a scalper and most of my robots use stop orders. Some use limit orders, some use market orders, it is really dependent on the logic. If a broker tries to burn a trader who chases trades, then that broker should be avoided.

Good luck.


Not a scam

I am not a scammer and I don't work with them either. Why would I use and refer people to a broker who is a scam? Don't be stupid. Anyways, there are as I said other brokers that I work with if you do not like that particular one. All of whom have never done me wrong or held back money. If they do me wrong one time I fire them and move on. I have been in this business 5 years so I know when I am being abused and don't need tips on how to run a successful firm. I may not be an internet geek but I never claimed to be, I spend most of my time trading or on the phone. I have taken the advice on the site to heart and have already spent the time to improve it. Now maybe you will become warm and fuzzy about it and start saving yourselves thousands of dollars on your trades each month. Do the math with me, if you are in 5 trades a day to make that 40 to 100 pips a day that is 5 spreads. depending on which dealer you clear through with me you can save 2.5 pips a day on your trades. Thats 10 a week and 40 a month on a one lot per trade basis. if you trade 5 lots at a time it becomes 200 pips a month. 10 lots becomes 400 month and so on. I don't know about you guys but I rather pay less money when I place my trades. Best of luck to all of you.



Absolutely correct. You want to minimize your trading costs (commissions, spreads etc.) as that is money in the trader's pocket. What I am more worried is about fills and slippage. I have used brokers (futures contracts on NYBOT, CBOT, CMEX etc.) and have found that low commissions did not mean great savings as my fills were bad. The slippage of one tick on each trade adds up.

I like your concept on rebates and I hope people like what they see and you get more business.

Good luck.


What about news trading?

I am not a scammer and I don't work with them either. Why would I use and refer people to a broker who is a scam? Don't be stupid. Anyways, there are as I said other brokers that I work with if you do not like that particular one. All of whom have never done me wrong or held back money. If they do me wrong one time I fire them and move on. I have been in this business 5 years so I know when I am being abused and don't need tips on how to run a successful firm. I may not be an internet geek but I never claimed to be, I spend most of my time trading or on the phone. I have taken the advice on the site to heart and have already spent the time to improve it. Now maybe you will become warm and fuzzy about it and start saving yourselves thousands of dollars on your trades each month. Do the math with me, if you are in 5 trades a day to make that 40 to 100 pips a day that is 5 spreads. depending on which dealer you clear through with me you can save 2.5 pips a day on your trades. Thats 10 a week and 40 a month on a one lot per trade basis. if you trade 5 lots at a time it becomes 200 pips a month. 10 lots becomes 400 month and so on. I don't know about you guys but I rather pay less money when I place my trades. Best of luck to all of you.

What happens during the news? Do you still guarantee 1 pip spread? Have you heard of Profinum? They went out of business doing the same. Here is a link to their web address! The buisiness model just dont support such low margins for such a high risk instrument...