Forex Trading Contest


This Long Term FX Game starts on April 2,2007 and ends on December 31, 2007. This 9 months game is open to all participants irregradless of whether you are a novice trader or a professional or an expert or a discretionary or a system trader. The objectives of this game are the following:

(1) To test your the long term performance of your proprietary trading strategy;

(2) To test the profitability of your trading system in a seesaw or trending market;

(3) To develop trading discipline as each member of the game is watching each others performance in terms of Portfolio Return, Sharpe Ratio and Maximum Drawdown;

(4) To learn how to overcome the Ego of trading as each participants can monitor how he or she is performing againts the other members; and

(5) To promote healthy competition and enable each participant to get inspired by the top performer, thus encouraging further development of his trading skills.

Kindly click here if you are interested to join:

Thank you and good luck to each participants.


"Achieving Oneness with the Market"


why dont we have our own one here at TSD,2 sections demo and live accounts a friendly competion with all the "great" systems out in the TSD threads,its easy enough to post reports on a daily or even weekly basis,same kinda thing thats done in the elite sections with the ea's...........think it would be good to see if the development of some of the threads with hundreds and hundreds ............and hundreds of posts have came up with the goods and people are actually trading them............or are you all scared ..........well anyone wanna take me on

why dont we have our own one here at TSD,2 sections demo and live accounts a friendly competion with all the "great" systems out in the TSD threads,its easy enough to post reports on a daily or even weekly basis,same kinda thing thats done in the elite sections with the ea's...........think it would be good to see if the development of some of the threads with hundreds and hundreds ............and hundreds of posts have came up with the goods and people are actually trading them............or are you all scared ..........well anyone wanna take me on

This is a good idea. I would personally enjoy the competition of trading with 'REAL' traders with 'REAL' money on the line.

Seems that these forums are about 90% analysts with only about 10% who actually trade. I don't include demo and micro in the 10% group.

If anyone can get it going with verifyable account audits, I'm in.


Forex Trading Contest


As of today there are already 79 who signed up in this Long Term FX Game. This game will start on April 2, 2007. If you are interested to join kindly click link below:

Thank you!


It seems that we can define our own contest

Oanda has its own trading system and most of the traders here use MT4 ? so its not possible to trade or share our results !!!