Ticks Before The News - page 12

The address changed for the XML.

Thanks Barnix for the new address. By the way, how do you know that the address had been changed? Yesterday, I was wondering why I got error message for FFCal indicator.



Check this links:



Thanks Barnix for the new address. By the way, how do you know that the address had been changed? Yesterday, I was wondering why I got error message for FFCal indicator. Cheers,

Follow big fish

About 15min before NFP today. usdjpy and gbpusd had little breakout at the same direction of price movement after the news.

This kind movement can be found many times before the big price movement.

1. Big fish push the movement themself (like holiday season)

2. Big fish knows the news before small fish.

Normally Big fish can't hide because they move in big volumes.

Now the questin is if someone can program a EA to catch the BIG FISH.

1. Big spike && Big volumes between 10-30min before the news

2.Big spike && Big volumes at first 12 hrs during holiday season

About 15min before NFP today. usdjpy and gbpusd had little breakout at the same direction of price movement after the news.

This kind movement can be found many times before the big price movement.

1. Big fish push the movement themself (like holiday season)

2. Big fish knows the news before small fish.

Normally Big fish can't hide because they move in big volumes.

Now the questin is if someone can program a EA to catch the BIG FISH.

1. Big spike && Big volumes between 10-30min before the news

2.Big spike && Big volumes at first 12 hrs during holiday season

Hi JimmyKing,

Could you explain a little deeper about this "Big Fish" thing? I don't really get it. What do you mean by catching Big Spike and Big Volume between 10-30 minutes before news? As you can see from today's NFP, the volume increased just during NFP. Before that it's just low. Or, is it the increase green volume bar just 30 minute before NFP?



vol.gif  8 kb

I thought volume was unreliable, is that for your broker only?


How It Works Secret News Weapon?

...the price starts moving within about 2 seconds after the announcement often by 50 pips or more. If you can get filled at the old price within 1 to 2 seconds after the actual number is released from the government lock up, but before the price starts moving, you can possibly make a lot of money on that initial spike...


...Remember, most bankers use Bloomberg, and some use Reuters...when the Secret News Weapon can beat Bloomberg or Reuters, which happens often, especially on non-U.S. reports, we can get our orders into the market quite a bit before the bankers even see the number...

How It Works Secret News Weapon?

...the price starts moving within about 2 seconds after the announcement often by 50 pips or more. If you can get filled at the old price within 1 to 2 seconds after the actual number is released from the government lock up, but before the price starts moving, you can possibly make a lot of money on that initial spike...


...Remember, most bankers use Bloomberg, and some use Reuters...when the Secret News Weapon can beat Bloomberg or Reuters, which happens often, especially on non-U.S. reports, we can get our orders into the market quite a bit before the bankers even see the number...

Thanks for sharing the info Barnix.


Hi JimmyKing,

Could you explain a little deeper about this "Big Fish" thing? I don't really get it. What do you mean by catching Big Spike and Big Volume between 10-30 minutes before news? As you can see from today's NFP, the volume increased just during NFP. Before that it's just low. Or, is it the increase green volume bar just 30 minute before NFP?



Big Fish== people with big money (Like Hedge Funds).

Some of Hedge Funds are so big they can move the forex market themself during holiday when regular companies and contries not trading.



