The correlated arb/hedgge-system


Try this out

Hope it helps



- Complex trading system is here and here.

- MultiPairTrend indicators are here;

- Correlation indicators: very good thread with some systems, explanations and good usefull indicators.

- Chart Transposition Indicator: original thread.

- FINEXX Correlation System EA: the thread is here.

- Currency corelation: some theory and articles.

- can someone help me with correlation indicator: small elite section thread.

- trend corelation: discussion thread.

- Correlation Index: indicator.

- CORREL - Pearson's Correlation Coefficient: indicator for excel.

- complimentary pairs: the thread.


Thank you kindly both of you


you can consider correlation between gbpusd , gbpnok, gbpsek - they usually move same direction

correlation between eurusd & eurhkd - move exactly same direction

eurhkd actually will give you 5-10 times more pips, spread is higher but its not really important with large profits

hmm, i should've posted this in the 'complimentary pairs' thread, maybe newdigital can move this post there