Offsetting Time hour in .hst file?


Hi, dear all:

I would like to know: is there any tool that will offset the time hour inside an .hst file and generate a new .hst file?

I have a time zone mixed up problem here:

My broker is FXDD, its history data are not enough to do long time backtesting, so I must import Alpari history data for testing. Since I would like to keep price as accurate as possible to FXDD, I plan to keep the whole FXDD history, and import only the missing part from Alpari.

Now the problem come: since Alpari timestamp were GMT+1, and FXDD were GMT+2, this merging will mixup data with two difference time zone and cause disaster. The only way to merge them together is adjust Alpari timestamp to GMT+2 for matching FXDD time zone.

I have compared the data between FXDD and Alpari, and make sure that Alpari data should be offset +1 hour to match FXDD. For example: OHLC price recorded @ 22:00 in Alpari, should be placed @ 23:00 in FXDD.

I don't how can I modify the timestamp in .hst file? I have try to modify period_convert script, but it is too much complicate to me to finish the job. Is there any exist tool or someone would like to help me?

Thanks for any advice in advance!!


the tool will be available with AIM FX which will launch this March, in a complete package... the link is in my signature

if you cant wait until march for AIM FX to launch, you can PM me for the package w/ the tool in it