XO_Method REVISED - page 111

what about this dotted cool rsi std . could we find it here i try to find it but no success ...... ;]

Teodosy, please reread my post. You will NOT find it anywhere here - ask BigJoe if he has seen it, maybe.


Me ! I see nothing !

Just see that this weekend at the swimming pool :

Teodosy, please reread my post. You will NOT find it anywhere here - ask BigJoe if he has seen it, maybe.

i see just want to be sure sorry for asking ....




yes but would also be nice to have template with all indicators

instead of searching for each indicator 3 hours

this is also kind of stupid arrogance




yes but would also be nice to have template with all indicators

instead of searching for each indicator 3 hours

this is also kind of stupid arrogance



Stupid arrogance, you say? Right?

Hi friends,

As you may have noticed, I've been conspicuously absent for 2-3 weeks, reason being a death in the family, with the burial service just having taken place.

So i am now just catching up on everything I've missed, and should be back to trading on Monday.

Catching up on the posts from latest to oldest, I see that we've changed to the 20/5 cci with 2 new levels. A quick look seems to give good results when the cci20 crosses the +70/-70 levels, +70 down for a short and -70 up for a long. Hope my interpretation is correct.



Pardy, my sincerest condolences. I remember when we last spoke this family member was in hospital and critical. Wishing you long life, though.

My Mother is also still a major concern for me at 93 and I know how you feel. I also had to juggle my time in between.

Best wishes.


All my condolences Pauluk, this is sad news. We are all with you, even Lodol (hum i think )

I just post a graph for some nice move today.

Abt the 70 -70 levels when do we take this trades do we wait some of the rsi-s to agree and ma-wpr or what could you explain if is not a problem ;]


What can I say, Teodosy? We have been over this quite a few times. At this stage of the game, I really should not be asked this question? Please re-read my first Post when I started explaining the method a few weeks ago. You do NOT have to go to Post. #1.

Once you have read it again and you still want to ask this question, feel free to ask me on PM.




Hi Valeo

I will answer your pm here..

the only thing I mention is it would be helpful instead of making a mystery out to hunt through tousend of pages for the right indicators to organize this and give valid templates and zipped indicators.......

if you not give and say all the time reread the whole thread and you will find all you need is in my view a kind arrogance.....because its clear that if someone want to understand how your trading method works has to read the whole thread through......

So this is my simple point. If you dont care about this than you dont care about this......

regards lodol