How many of you are successful ? - page 3

Being suddenly wiped out is one possibility. It also seems that there was an error in the code that generated incredible profits but also losses. Now that the error is fixed it is questionable whether it would have made any money at all. I would definitely wait to see how this pans out. If you read the thread you will also find that the EA can result in a loss of 10,000 pips in in one day, maybe even in a couple hours every few months. I'd rather not use an EA that is profitable because of an error in the code but that's just me.

Well, my demo always sets a stop loss ... which works, because I've had a losing trade (one loss in 3 weeks... amazing). It seems to always set 84 pips, so when it loses, it's a big loss .. but, as I've said, that doesn't happen very much. It would need to have 6 loses in a row to wipe out the gains its made. Possible, I know, but time will tell.


Not a EA, but manual method...

ZERO losses, if you can live thru drawdowns, and pick your entry carefully...

FFS and my tools..

Not a EA, but manual method...

ZERO losses, if you can live thru drawdowns, and pick your entry carefully...

FFS and my tools..

I've only had a chance to have a quick look - but it looks awfully complicated. You say it's manual, but you seem to be suggesting an EA in the thread.


377 views so far, and I haven't had a resounding response suggesting that EA trading can work. This is depressing.

Is it that, once you've found the answer, you've gone away and are living the good life? It would be nice to think so.

I'd still like a definitive... Yes, I've made real money with EAs ... or No, it doesn't work.

I hope to hear from more of you.

I hope you've been following the Phoenix thread here recently.

I've been reading the Phoenix thread now. I think is sounds like a case of "if it ain't broke .. don't fix it!". Hendrix did seem to suggest that continual tweaking could spoil it. I think he was right. My forward testing (on the older version) is unbelievable .... Why didn't they want to be satisfied with that?

Am I missing something obvious here? In the 3 weeks I've been running this demo, the USDJPY has gone up, gone sideways, gone down. It's made money all the time. I understand there's a problem with EAs when the market changes, but what type of market doesn't this EA like?

Have a look at my statement, so far....

I've been reading the Phoenix thread now. I think is sounds like a case of "if it ain't broke .. don't fix it!". Hendrix did seem to suggest that continual tweaking could spoil it. I think he was right. My forward testing (on the older version) is unbelievable .... Why didn't they want to be satisfied with that?

Am I missing something obvious here? In the 3 weeks I've been running this demo, the USDJPY has gone up, gone sideways, gone down. It's made money all the time. I understand there's a problem with EAs when the market changes, but what type of market doesn't this EA like?

Have a look at my statement, so far....

And comparatively to the new phoenix win great...

I've been reading the Phoenix thread now. I think is sounds like a case of "if it ain't broke .. don't fix it!". Hendrix did seem to suggest that continual tweaking could spoil it. I think he was right. My forward testing (on the older version) is unbelievable .... Why didn't they want to be satisfied with that?

Am I missing something obvious here? In the 3 weeks I've been running this demo, the USDJPY has gone up, gone sideways, gone down. It's made money all the time. I understand there's a problem with EAs when the market changes, but what type of market doesn't this EA like?

Have a look at my statement, so far....

Lol. My mistake, I mistook Phoenix for Firebird.


Being suddenly wiped out is one possibility. It also seems that there was an error in the code that generated incredible profits but also losses. Now that the error is fixed it is questionable whether it would have made any money at all. I would definitely wait to see how this pans out. If you read the thread you will also find that the EA can result in a loss of 10,000 pips in in one day, maybe even in a couple hours every few months. I'd rather not use an EA that is profitable because of an error in the code but that's just me.

Edit: My above comments are about Firebird, not Phoenix.


574 views now!

Does this mean there are 570+ losers? Where are all the responses saying 'yes' I'm successful with EAs?

This is most disheartening.

Come on ... please tell me this can work.

377 views so far, and I haven't had a resounding response suggesting that EA trading can work. This is depressing.

What I realized in last few months reading this and some other boards is that forex traders are a lot like fisherman. They don't want to descover their spots and secrets. They might chat a little about theory trying to satisfy their selfish needs but then it comes to reporting REAL result with REAL money they are nowhere to be seen. Of course reason for that is simply that everybody that is succesfull wants to keep his success to himself. Ask yourself what would happend if YOUR super profitable plan is out for everybody to start using. Commercial market eventualy collaps as everybody would start to use that "uber profitable system". This is the most unlikly but it is a fear that every profitable trader has. Ask yourself, if you were an amazing magician and become famous and rich becaouse of it would you go around telling your secrets for free. We all know the answer.

Since my knowlage of the forex is quite limited in next couple of weeks I will pick some EAs(that are best performers here) and then I go live on $10 000 account. About 20-30 charts, we'll see what works and what does not. I guess only way to contribute is to report back the results. Real heros are creators that shared their systems and hopefully they are maga rich by now...or I am wasting my time and money...we'll see...