How many of you are successful ?


I've posted this question elsewhere, but didn't get a response ... so I thought I'd start a new thread.

We are all here, presumably, to discover a way of generating income from Forex .. and in particular, in this section, using Expert Advisers. From reading the threads, most people are testing, using demo accounts. A few, are running with real money. I'm just wondering how many are actually succeeding with real accounts. Are those with real accounts actually making a living from this - or is it just a bit of pocket money?

Can we have some encouragement please. I'm not asking for the secret to the holy grail. I'm prepared to put in the work .. I just want to know that I'm not wasting my time.

If some of you don't want to advertise the fact that your generating huge wealth ... that's fair enough. Just send me a private message. I promise I won't disclose any names or user profiles. I will, however, post back here whether I got a positive or negative feedback - to encourage (or disillusion) everyone else.

I hope to hear from you all ... then I can compile some meaningful statistics.



32 views so far ... and no responses.

Please don't be shy

32 views so far ... and no responses.

That may in itself be an answer to your question...

Perhaps it would help to give it more than five hours -


Ah, well. The user list shows 22,037 members. I should have had 32 responses now .... the other 22,035 over the next day or so.


Sorry, that should read 57 now.


you want answers?

you want answers?

pm me



Hello Future Millionaire;

I'm just starting out here. I am an experienced investor (42 years old) in the area of stocks, but I am a total beginner with the Forex and MT4. I am reading as much as I can to get up to speed. I subscribed to this site with the hopes of finding some valuable EA's. I tried out Mandarine but it is showing me bad results so maybe I did something wrong. Looks like a lot of work goes into maintaing this site.

I've hired a programmer in the Ukraine to create an EA for me from my trading strategy but it is quite expensive. I am hoping to have it delivered by the end of Feb/07.

Can you tell anything about yourself future millionaire? Goals/Plans?



I'm 25 and had no experience with trading/investing a little over a year ago. I have 2 years work experience as a programmer but have taken a year off from work. Since about 8 months ago I started approaching trading from an automated standpoint and have used and looked at various software. I've not made any money yet and have spend a significant amount of my time. I probably spend close to 40 hours per week working on my computer relating to trading. I've got 3 strategies that I'm working on right now but by now it has become a very familiar feeling. I start out so excited after formulating in my mind how successful my strategy will be. I'm already spending all my money. Then as I work more and more on it and as it gets closer to completion it becomes more and more obvious that it is a total piece of crap. Then finally when I'm done I realize I've just wasted an enormous amount of my time for nothing. Well, hopefully all that nothing will end up becoming knowledge and one day I will become successful. Until that day...


Forex is Tough

In my experience Forex is much tougher than it looks. I spend quite a bit of time thinking about it, developing systems and of course, trading. I'm an engineer and have strong maths/analysis and I think you need that.

I lost 40% of my account in about 10 months, about 300 trades. I was stubborn and stuck to it. Then I started to get my head together and went from 0.6x to 3x balance in the next year. I can manage about 75% winning trades now and I think just the fact that I'm using 'their money' helps me out.

Still have my down months, Dec was worst yet and then January quite good. I considered giving away the day job but don't have the confidence it'll be consistently good yet.

I'm interested to hear of others experiences.


Hello Future Millionaire;

I'm just starting out here. I am an experienced investor (42 years old) in the area of stocks, but I am a total beginner with the Forex and MT4. I am reading as much as I can to get up to speed. I subscribed to this site with the hopes of finding some valuable EA's. I tried out Mandarine but it is showing me bad results so maybe I did something wrong. Looks like a lot of work goes into maintaing this site.

I've hired a programmer in the Ukraine to create an EA for me from my trading strategy but it is quite expensive. I am hoping to have it delivered by the end of Feb/07.

Can you tell anything about yourself future millionaire? Goals/Plans?


Thankyou for your response.

I think, like everyone else I imagine, I'm trying to find a way to escape from the 'day job'. I'm 51, and it would be nice to retire sooner rather than later. In order to do that, I would need to find another source of income. I thought, maybe .... just maybe, this could be the answer. I'm quite sceptical .. but am determined to give it my best shot. I just wanted to find out if this actually works for others.

In my experience Forex is much tougher than it looks. I spend quite a bit of time thinking about it, developing systems and of course, trading. I'm an engineer and have strong maths/analysis and I think you need that.

I lost 40% of my account in about 10 months, about 300 trades. I was stubborn and stuck to it. Then I started to get my head together and went from 0.6x to 3x balance in the next year. I can manage about 75% winning trades now and I think just the fact that I'm using 'their money' helps me out.

Still have my down months, Dec was worst yet and then January quite good. I considered giving away the day job but don't have the confidence it'll be consistently good yet.

I'm interested to hear of others experiences.


.... but is that manual trading, or using EAs?