Noob question


Hello all,

As said in the title i'm quite new to MT4(fibogroup version).

I got a little problem, whenever i need to check few weeks back

on a 5min time frame i have'nt found anything faster than

using the mouse wheel to scroll back........ very time consuming

to say the least. I'd like to know whether there is a faster way to

do the same thing?^^.




Scrolling the chart:

You can scroll the chart (left to right and right to left) to view the necessary data on the screen. Scrolling the chart can be done with your left and right arrow keys of the keyboard, by pointing the mouse with left click and drag the chart to left and right or you can go directly to the position one the chart you want by using the quick navigation line.

Note:If you have a scroll wheel in your mouse you can use it to scroll the chart left and right. Scrolling the wheel down scrolls the chart Right and up scrolls the chart Left.

Quick navigation line:

Quick navigation line used to fast access to some of the chart tasks. With the aid of this line window you can do the following:

  • Go to an exact place in the chart.
  • Change the timeframe of the current chart.
  • Open new chart with a new currency pair and new period.
In our article we are concerned about scrolling the chart to exact place, to do that you have to open the Quick navigation window by placing the mouse on the left corner of the horizontal scale banner of the chart (Figure 9) and double clicking there or simply by hitting ENTER key.

Figure 9 - Quick navigation line

A small window like the one you see in figure 9 will appear where you can type there one of these commands and click ENTER to shift the chart to a specified position:

[exact time (hours:minutes)]

Example: 08:30

[exact date]

Example: 2005.10.19

[exact time and date]

Example: 2005.10.19 08:30

Hello all,

As said in the title i'm quite new to MT4(fibogroup version).

I got a little problem, whenever i need to check few weeks back

on a 5min time frame i have'nt found anything faster than

using the mouse wheel to scroll back........ very time consuming

to say the least. I'd like to know whether there is a faster way to

do the same thing?^^.



press or hold Page Up, Page Down button


@codersguru : Yes!!! just what i needed, thanks a lot!!

@dr2k3 : i didn't know this way of scrolling back, still a bit too slow

when you want to go deep back in time, but thanks for the tip:).


Just noticed i had antoher problem. It looks like my MT4 charts are

not synchro with the clock of my computer.

For instance, a 1min bar on my chart is closing almost 15 seconds after

my own computer clock. Well to be clear,it's as if, on MT4 it's

14H00Min45Sec and my computer is 14H01Min and i'm almost sure that

the computer has it's clock synchronized with a proper source...

Is there a way to display the same time on both my comp and my charts?^^


Is there a way to display the same time on both my comp and my charts?^^

Take the same time as your broker has. That's the only way as MT works with your broker time.


Zoom out and then scroll back.


@aegis, wow a third way of doing it though codersguru is the fastest. thx

@timbobo, my broker is oanda how do i synchronize oanda and MT4? thx


Sorry to insist^^. Anyone knowing a way to synchronize broker and MT4

clock? Thanks a lot.