40% profit in 5 days


ok started the demo on 1.15.2007 after losing a lot my account went to all time low somewhere 3000 on 1.29.2007 than i raised my account to around 7000 (1.29.2007 to 2.2.2007) lol i love forex by the way how you people doing

ok started the demo on 1.15.2007 after losing a lot my account went to all time low somewhere 3000 on 1.29.2007 than i raised my account to around 7000 (1.29.2007 to 2.2.2007) lol i love forex by the way how you people doing

very impressive for few trading days. if your entry is fine, maintain your drawdown. That is the most important thing in the long run.


With large risk, come large rewards.

Control your money management if you want to stay in this game. The market will find your inefficiencies and take you to your limits, you can count on that. You can mitigate this by reducing your risks.

And the market has already taught you that it can take your account to almost nothing, it let you off the hook. Now the market wants to see if you have learned from your mistake, or you will keep repeating it...but the next time, the market will show you the outcome.



i totally agree with points you made.

money management is the key to win in this game. i know i am risking a lot but wt to do i am still thinking on it.

i always learn from my mistake.

i am not sure of market but broker will take me to limits


thanks for your comments.

ok now moving to trading it is now 60% i could have done more by the way here is the statement and graph


i totally agree with points you made.

money management is the key to win in this game. i know i am risking a lot but wt to do i am still thinking on it.

i always learn from my mistake.

i am not sure of market but broker will take me to limits


thanks for your comments.

ok now moving to trading it is now 60% i could have done more by the way here is the statement and graph

well, after awhile analysing your statement, you should lower your trading margin devide by 3 from the current exposure. other wise, you're fine. accuracy is there, rather spend more time to trade than risking the capital. still, very impressive. keep up the good work.


Why the account from $5000 downto $3000

Bad for a period of time before, after a period of good. On the need to improve some of the better.


Remember: dont be too greedy. It will kill you and your account. 100% in one week. Then -70% in Monday...


Thank you


very impressive trading skillz


why i am always profitable i want to have loss i try my best to get a loss but always fail lol

here is a old statement and also new one (i am always trying different systems and thinking) so wt do you people think is this time for me to go live and have a loss so i can satisfy to me i cannot be winner in real account.



why i am always profitable i want to have loss i try my best to get a loss but always fail lol here is a old statement and also new one (i am always trying different systems and thinking) so wt do you people think is this time for me to go live and have a loss so i can satisfy to me i cannot be winner in real account.

that's a good system ...keep it on your side...btw can you share with us a little about your trading system ?:)


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