How to change layers?


How to change sequence of indicator's layers on the chart and separate windows (bring it from bottom to the front) and also sequence of indicators frames (bottom to the top)?

Is it del &paste the only method, no shortcuts?



Anybody here?


Hi there; we are two at least.

I read your question and thought: I have no idea.

And then, I will want my EA to do all the work, so maybe

I'm not too curious about the general concept at all.

trade well.


Thanks, Ralf!

that's a tough question...

iv.gif  30 kb

Nobody still here

// just talking to myself ...

"And I say to myself

Such a wonderfool word: _____" : /


Does not seem to distinguish between their own front and bottom.

When you add indicators to chart, system have a choice as to whether they add transparency, no other.



and that's a tough system... see, nobody couldn't break that code

This Digimon guy says i need a decoder or something

P.S. And speaking of Experts Advisers here - can't get from them even bad advise ...