Who knows good FOREX CHAT/TRADING ROOMS ? - page 4


Hi there!

What a great idea. I have been repulsed by relatively popular rooms that either are dominated by an egocentric trader or others which are free but are ALWAYS trying to push their method as the holy grail.

I welcome your new room and I hope you will consider my membership =)

I trade both forex and futures, my system works on any 5 minute chart regardless of the market.


New forex chat room.


There are still a few places left in the new no-fees forex chat room I am setting up, using the ivocalise browser based (java) software. I am happy to pay the ongoing cost of the room as it is a relatively small fee. I am also keen to let potential members know that nothing will ever be sold in the room. My motivation in doing this is soley to help pass the trading day, as boredom/isolation is the biggest threat to my trading.

I am trying to develop a friendly productive chat room where traders can hang out during the trading day/their trading sessions that is both friendly and enjoyable as well as being a useful/productive/engaging place as a result of the intelligent discussion of technical conditions/fundamental matters affecting the market.

I have been involved with a few chat rooms over the years, some good, some not so good, and the same problem (s) seem to afflict them all sooner or later rendering them empty. Meglamaniac/ego driven traders/moderators, false calls, disruptive elements and/or the 'lurkers/hangers on' not contributing but demanding answers to the same old questions is what seems to drive the good traders away.

This room will hopefully be different by limiting it to maximum 20 traders and having it invite only/password protected, and by having a mix of traders/styles and experience, trading mainly the 4 major $ cross pairings. 20 members is a good number and should ensure that there will always be a handful or more members in the room at most times.

As an example I tend to specialise in gbpusd and trade a fairly intense methodology designed to capture small intraday positions. All styles are welcome though and your discussion can be limited to the general technical/fundamental conditions affecting the majors, without having to give away your trading edge.

What is important though is that if you wish to become a member, you do contribute to the discussion so that we keep things lively/engaging. Of course there are times when the market (s) are flat and this has an effect on the amount of discussion, but too often these rooms are full of participants with only a small handful contributing to any discussion. If you want to make trading calls, that's fine too, as long as they are timely, and what is more useful is an explanation, that may prompt further discussion, of the reasons behind your entry to the market.

Early September is when I intend that we should begin with the chat room and if you want to have a look at the ivocalise software in the meantime is the link. The rooms have a whiteboard,and also enable the easy posting of web pages/charts as well as full text/audio facility (it will be an audio room) and recording.

If you wish to become involved please private message me here with a brief description of your style/experience and any any other pertinent details, so that I can send an introductory email to all members ahead of the opening of the room, introducing us all to each other.

However the room develops I can give you my guarantee that it will be a place where people are pleasant to each other, free from bullying/ego, and hopefully, it will become a lot more.






If you trade the stratoblaster formula, try out Live forex chat Talkingtrances.com


Belgian Forex Traders


A friend and me want to trade live in a chat room real money from munday on for a week. It will be from 7.30 Brussels time CET. Specialy people from Belgium are welcome and any other people aswell who trade the european sesion and speak english. If we are only with a few than we will do it with skype conference call.

The purpose is NOT to give sort of signals but to get opinions about potential positions from other experienced traders.



Skype Chat

Guys, do we have a Skype chat room? or shall we start one?? I think it would be great to have a proper voice chat along screen sharing???

what you think?


Bmac, I advise not to use Java chatrooms. They are very slow, and use up a lot of computer memory.

A Flash based chat room is much better.


So, any real forex chat room that is not empty??

geez, I miss moneytec's chat room... anyone remembers soul trader and stoxx and others lol??


MSN Chat

Hi Traders

If you want to ask some advice or just chat I can be available.

I have many things to share, systems, and .. and my own experience.

Add me to msn > artvor@hotmail.it

I organize chat session with many experienced traders.

See you on msn ...


Trading Room

Why don't we have a live free chat room where traders can call trades in real time? Not for profit, just real traders trading in real time, calling trades for others to look at and decide if they agree, or not. Thinking about starting my own if no one else does. It would help everyone.


Why a new....


There is plenty of trading rooms on the net so why a new ?