Making a point.... - page 3


Sorry for double post, forums have been acting a bit odd lately

Sounds like some little kid regurgitating everything mommy and daddy say. It's obvious that Mr. Cowboy has never taken any advanced math theory, or has any real understanding of what Fibonacci is. He simply tries to repeat what Larry William's does, and when his ideas are questioned he has no idea how to defend himself, because he doesn't understand what he is talking about.

I see you've reemerged to launch more pointless mental sorties from your silo...

How did your '1-5-15minCCI-hook-from-extremes' EA idea go? I'm sure it went great...

You do the math.


I havent read this thread are you saying there is a metatrader expert that will read all threads and send me all the best indicators and experts so i wont have to do anything and make millions......


but really you sort of have to feel sorry for the newbies all starry eyed and bushytailed. lol


Hello again Gramski nice to see you've joined in on the thread.

'1-5-15minCCI-hook-from-extremes' EA

I'm shocked, you don't actually think I came to the forums to make an EA did you? Odd that you've accepted the ''mental sorties'' but still believe I was serious about other aspects of our little chat.

Hello again Gramski nice to see you've joined in on the thread. I'm shocked, you don't actually think I came to the forums to make an EA did you? Odd that you've accepted the ''mental sorties'' but still believe I was serious about other aspects of our little chat.


Absolutely not. However, It seems you have an urge to learn about MT4 programming from your post here:

Loved your (newbie) CCI method though.


I have tried to read this thread a couple of times now, but the narcolepsy kicks in when the super traders start insulting each other. Can somebody summarise the useful information contained within and post it as a pdf, then I will await the EA. Perhaps if the market trends in the next couple of weeks we could start a pay to view website. Oh bugger it, I'm of to start my fund management company with my moving average cross EA!


Absolutely not. However, It seems you have an urge to learn about MT4 programming from your post here:

Loved your (newbie) CCI method though.

It appears he knows more about programing then he does about trading, .

He says that Iam stupid but has shown nothing concrete to the effect that what I said was wrong. Other then that I think highly of Mr. Williams and that my use of english is poor. His would be too if it wasnt his native langugage. Hidding behine someone? Jesus Christ, look at him man the son of God? Major identity problem wounldnt you say? He must beleive that people will think more highly of him?

I gave my reasons for why I think Fibs are a waste of energy, I will also say that they only work in as much as they do, because of people like him who beleive in the magical mistry shows, But if there is a reason for the market to fall no fib is going to stop it. nor will sunspots or solar BS.

It seems that he is too lazy to do the math, or may be, well, wants things given him. This thread makes a compeling reason for private rooms. A real trader would not of flatly disagreed with what I said but give reason why what I said was misleading.

I can give other referances to other well known traders who beleive that fibs are way too subjective and impossible to use for consitancy in trading. Some in the currency market as well. Read Boris's new book.

Hope Jimmy Jones is fixing the Kool Aid for his followers.

The CockeyedCowboy

BTW, its well known that Mr. Williams has held the first place in the World Cup compitition. Which he has had for over 20 years, no one has done better. But do you know who has held the second place spot and for over 20 as well? She made the second place the year after Mr Williams win his title. I'll give you a clue, Her last name was Williams too.


Yes I know about the competition. %1100 growth in 12 months, or something similar to that. He also seems to look up to a group called the Turtles.. and brags about spending 300,000 dollars to learn one of their trading systems. Reading the rest of his site is like watching 100 info commercials detailing all of his *GREAT* bargains. I always find it odd when people suppose to be as successful as him have to charge ridiculous amounts of money for what amounts to nothing. But hey I'm the crazy, deranged, socio-path with delusions about his identity. Got to go now, my computer time is almost over, time for my pills, and my nap. Don't want the warden to see I've been posting to the outside world.

The Silo.


An American futures trading guru and promotional speaker who promises to show people how to "beat the share market'' has been arrested in Sydney for tax evasion.

Larry Richard Williams, 64, had just arrived on a Qantas flight from South Africa on Saturday when he was escorted from Sydney Airport by Australian Federal Police.

The US Internal Revenue Service is seeking his extradition for $US1.5 million ($A1.99 million) in alleged tax evasion between 1999 and 2001.

The Virgin Islands resident is alleged to have "wilfully and affirmatively'' attempted to evade paying taxes on royalties from his 10 books and earnings from the international speaking circuit.



An American futures trading guru and promotional speaker who promises to show people how to "beat the share market'' has been arrested in Sydney for tax evasion.

Larry Richard Williams, 64, had just arrived on a Qantas flight from South Africa on Saturday when he was escorted from Sydney Airport by Australian Federal Police.

The US Internal Revenue Service is seeking his extradition for $US1.5 million ($A1.99 million) in alleged tax evasion between 1999 and 2001.

The Virgin Islands resident is alleged to have "wilfully and affirmatively'' attempted to evade paying taxes on royalties from his 10 books and earnings from the international speaking circuit.



Old News. But at least your learning something, thats nice.

If your a trader you will look for all the tax savings you can find. Larry, moved to the Virgin Islands set up residency there due to the taxs savings afforded. But the US goverment is still classifing Larry as a US main land resident and is forceing him to paid taxes as such. I also found that the IRS will only go after someone if they have something that can be taken, as in Larry's case. (me too, have had to fight the IRS, I won!)

I've meet Larry on a number of occassion. I have attended all day simiars of his. (COMPed). The above statement came frome him personally. (not in exact words).

Now if the truth be known, that most FX brokers donot have you fill out any tax forms, and that they donot send the IRS 1099s then they would be a whole lot of new FX trader showing up just for that reason alone.

The Cockeyed Cowboy