The Simba Con Man - page 18



hi simba

the chart above is a simultation chart. so it looks like "realtrading". So in this situation you can see where the purple line is. so when you project the purple line in the future you have no reliable information for the current situation, because the cross happen very early. its a ranging situation. therefore was the question what to do now, because the information from purple line to the first cross has no information for current situation. and therefore i projected the aqua line, which is the next one.

I got the hurst book.

So maybe i read a bit



Hi lodol,

Sorry I don`t understand what you are trying to project nor where to..are you trying to project the next crossover,the top,the botttom,timing of top,timing of crossover?..which purple line?which Aqua line?are you talking about the smas?trendlines? I might be colour blind and haven`t realized until now ..

Could you post an attachment including only the relevant information marked by 1,2,3,etc?"from the cross at 1, I am trying to project..."Also,using absolutely unmistakable colours,helps a lot in communicating..I use Red,Blue,Aqua,Magenta,Green,Gold..if I use Gold I try not to use Yellow or similar,your purples look to me like blues,and there are many,also the 2 vertical bars with dots just killed the thing,are they purple too?

I would like to help you,but first I have to understand ,exactly,what you are trying to do..additionally,I have seen something I liked a lot in your charts...


hi Simba

hi simba

Thx for help... I got the book now(download) and I think I will study this..maybe I find a more clear picture and then I bother you with more pricise questioning.

thx for good work




no more valid ?

Hi Simba

I'm glad found your thread as i think it is very interesting. Thank you for all you've done. I really appreciate it...but i find your statement below (answering to someone)

"...I am not referencing it here because the cycles are out of phase,as I explained in the thread,the conman was going to be useful for around 6 months suggestion is that you don`t use it.."

Is that mean we can't use it anymore ?

If it's true, i still have to thanks to you for sharing it.




No more valid

Hi Simba

I'm glad found your thread as i think it is very interesting. Thank you for all you've done. I really appreciate it...but i find your statement below (answering to someone)

"...I am not referencing it here because the cycles are out of phase,as I explained in the thread,the conman was going to be useful for around 6 months suggestion is that you don`t use it.."

Is that mean we can't use it anymore ?

If it's true, i still have to thanks to you for sharing it.




Thanks for your thanks

It works mediocrely at best since the cycles are out of phase..I suggest the following :

1-Do not use it

2-Go to the digital filters section of this forum,go to the thread "Trading..."

Check the posts by member "barnix",download and use his exceptional tools,jointly with the digital filters generator..NOW you can create your own ConMan indicators,customized for every pair and tf..

You will have to work a little,but,as we say in spanish "quien quiera peces ,que se moje el culo" have to do your homework,do not expect anybody to spoonfeed you anything really,just do it,I am convinced that it will be extremely rewarding...


My gbp/usd analysis

After reading Hurst's book and studying charts decided to share some of my thoughts, hope others (especially Simba) will find them good.

From my point of view now all short and medium term cycles are dominated by longer ones (see chart - red (35), green (49) and blue (75) MAs are crossing each other while going up). Aqua (105) MA just bottomed out and started to go up for about 2 days now, probably causing all this price climbing. I estimate its cross with magenta (205) MA somewhere around 2.0120 and within next 6 - 8 trading days. So this means we should see gbpusd in 2.0424 - 2.0576 area in 6 - 8 trading days time.

Also, as we see from daily chart, SATL turned blue supporting this prediction.

Any comments?

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hi mrv


great that someoneelse is also intrested in this Hurst method.




Well, its a good method. The only drawback (at least for me) - it usually takes weeks to wait for good signal, so patience is a true virtue here


Excellent analysis

After reading Hurst's book and studying charts decided to share some of my thoughts, hope others (especially Simba) will find them good.

From my point of view now all short and medium term cycles are dominated by longer ones (see chart - red (35), green (49) and blue (75) MAs are crossing each other while going up). Aqua (105) MA just bottomed out and started to go up for about 2 days now, probably causing all this price climbing. I estimate its cross with magenta (205) MA somewhere around 2.0120 and within next 6 - 8 trading days. So this means we should see gbpusd in 2.0424 - 2.0576 area in 6 - 8 trading days time.

Also, as we see from daily chart, SATL turned blue supporting this prediction.

Any comments?

Excellent analysis,I would only change this sentence "So this means we should see gbpusd in 2.0424 - 2.0576 area in 6 - 8 trading days time." for "we will probably see GBPUSD above 2.0424 in max 8 trading days"..then,each new trading day I would update the analysis to finetune it with the new info....Basically,looks like GBPUSD is poised to go up,very soon..

The fundamentals seem to help too,what do you think the Fed will do on the 18 of September?We don`t know,but major players HAVE TO incorporate into their strategies the high probability of a rate cut..and,if this happens,USD inmediate trend,against the Majors,will probably( ) be down..

Try to do this Hurst analysis on EURUSD,USDJPY,USDCHF too and see if all charts are explaining a similar story...