2 and 10 moving average cross system - page 5


high frequancy scalping.........hmmmmm well see I bet that would equite pretty closely to taking trades baed on the RSI on the 1 min time frame. The RSI is pretty stable at that time frame. If thats the case then you are taking signals from indicators and you dont even know it. Get over that hang over man, thanks for the EA data, I agree they are pretty useless. Unless, you can program it to take into account about 100 different scenarios. Neural Networks hold more promise, but coding is coming slow. All of my attempts so far fizzle out.


Your right, I could probly be just as profitable with trend lines and a single MA. I think all you need is something to tell you when the next wave, or cycle is coming. Up and down, up and down, thats all the price does. All thats left is to try to guess whether or not its going to go up or down enough THIS TIME to warrent opening a position. All indicators attempt to detect this up and down motion and many such as those ive mentioned hone in on the same cycle of short term hiccups in a larger overall trend (1 hour/1 day) I think the most important thing is that the trader get used to his or her choise of indicator or method (tea leaves LOL......I might give that a try. I always thought the monkey throwing darts was pretty good too), get comfortable, manage their money well, and roll with the punches.


The only advise I can give (for what it's worth ) is that you need a clear cut and cheap way of establishing what does not work, then you simply follow a process of elimination. If you find out that the popular opinion is wrong, well you just gotta go with it. There are lot's of little gems of truth scattered across this and similar forums, but you gotta filter out the crap. Figure out who the smart people are (e.g. ~chaffecombe on oanda) and pick though their posts, avoid the herd. Good luck!


Hey Craig....here's some more excercise for you if you want it: Signals taken from the BBhisto with two filters: 1) A signal of the same direction from DTzigzag must Proceed the Signal. 2) The signal from BBhisto must be in the same direction that the P-SAR is going. P-SAR is of input .002. NOTE that that is one tenths place more than the standard setting. So if the adapted P-SAR is below the price than you are only taking signals from BBhisto when Dtzigzag is in agreement with P-SAR.

If you feel up to it, no pressure. I can get someone else to do it if you dont want to. Also, if you do, can I get a copy of the expert? thanks.


I think this is correct, more of the same I am afraid...that dt zig zag thing really loves repainting. Put the backtester into visual mode, it's very informative.

PM your email Cyclesurfer and I will send you the ex4 file so you can mess with it.


void CheckForOpen()


static double last_dt = 0;

if (Volume[0] > 1)




double bb_hist_1 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "bbhisto", BBPeriod, 0, 1);

double bb_hist_2 = iCustom(NULL, 0, "bbhisto", BBPeriod, 0, 2);

double dt = iCustom(NULL, 0, "dtzigzag", 60, 12, 5, 3, 0, 1);

double psar = iSAR(NULL, 0, PSarStep, PSarMax, 1);

//Keep the last dt value

if (dt != 0)


last_dt = dt;


if (bb_hist_1 >= 0 && bb_hist_2 Open[0] && last_dt != 0 && last_dt > Open[0])





if (bb_hist_1 0 && psar < Open[0] && last_dt != 0 && last_dt < Open[0])






Here is the code, if anybody can spot any flaws let me know.


BalEqInd; NewZigZags

Hi, guys!

May be those would help:



Guys stop right here.

I think someone needs to help JimmyKing first.

Hopefully it's just a bad joke. Jimmy dude, stop trading, download a few books on trading.

We are all praying for you.


I think it neatly sums up the total futility of indicator based trading {ducks}