CCI trailing stop


Need some help coding this....

I am trying to measure the Highest/lowest level of the CCI and use it as a "trailing stop".

for example if I am in a long position and the CCI peaks out at 250 I want to exit the position when it comes down to 240.

I have made it work by using 50 different levels and just saying when CCI is higher than level N and comes back down to N. but this is very inefficent.

What i need is a way to store the value of the Highest CCI level . Anyone here know how to do this ?




Try This

heres how i would approach the problem:

double cci = iCCI(.....);

double ccistop, lastccistop;


ccistop = cci - 20;

if(ccistop > lastccistop)


lastccistop = ccistop;








........... etc.


I dont know if thats correct I just thought of that right know.

hope that helps,


Kurka Fund:
Need some help coding this....

I am trying to measure the Highest/lowest level of the CCI and use it as a "trailing stop".

for example if I am in a long position and the CCI peaks out at 250 I want to exit the position when it comes down to 240.

I have made it work by using 50 different levels and just saying when CCI is higher than level N and comes back down to N. but this is very inefficent.

What i need is a way to store the value of the Highest CCI level . Anyone here know how to do this ?




But It only works once. I need to reset it after the function is completed. How would you do that?

heres how i would approach the problem:

double cci = iCCI(.....);

double ccistop, lastccistop;


ccistop = cci - 20;

if(ccistop > lastccistop)


lastccistop = ccistop;








........... etc.


I dont know if thats correct I just thought of that right know.

hope that helps,

Kurka Fund:
Thanks, But It only works once. I need to reset it after the function is completed. How would you do that?

than put somethig in the begginning of your code that resets the varables.


if (orderstotal()<1)


lastccistop = 0;


there that should do it... I suggest you make those variable global vars.

Kind regards,
