Goblin "BiPolar" Edition - page 42


Thanks faifarni

Thanks for sharing faifarni.

Two questions.

1. This current forward test are you using the tweaked settings from January?

2. Have you tried backtesting otherwise successful months(prior to January)

with those tweaked settings?

I like the idea of banking the profit and putting it out of harms way. It was mentioned very early on in the thread and stilll a good idea.

Wow. That was a mouthful. You're so clueless it's almost hilarious.

- I have a wonderful idea on how we can replace fossil fuels by running car engines on saltwater or maybe leftover coffee grinds, but unless someone else can research the feasibility, perform the design and implementation, and "actualize" the concept.....I'm going to be stuck visiting Exxon every week. If someone actually does figure out how to do it and make it commercially viable, should I get the Nobel Peace Prize?

- These "Junk" Martingale systems can actually be quite profitable and quite safe if used properly with the right leverage and implemented with some safety features that haven't existed in the past. I know. I have one.

- I doubt anyone cares that you don't like the BiPolar approach and would prefer to run separate charts for buy/sell and/or be glued to your tradestation all day...by all means, suit yourself.

hush befor you take away from any respect you have left.

in the united states (dunno about others) you can patent an idea, then sell it to some one to develop that idea. The idea doesn't even have to work in real life. But can be sold to some one who can make it work in real life.

I had an idea and with out my idea bipoler would not be here simple as that.

crawl out of shrubs? hahahaha. ok if you want to go that route....My shrubs(home) cost 300k. How bout yours?

I make a living trading and people all over the world know it. My way of thinking and trade ideas make me and alot of others alot of money. I also manage several accounts. This is also well known all over the world as one of my clients is in australia. All my clients came from my popularity on forexfactory.

Once again I will remind you .....I offered you half of any winnings.

you said you made these ea's to put a little cash in our pockets and thats all. Well we are all in forex for Big bucks not little cash. If you want a little extra cash go have a yard sale or something.

Private Message: Re: thanks

12-20-2006, 07:27 PM

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Dave - you're one of the few traders I've encountered that has an opinion worth considering. I don't know if people are getting dumber....perhaps just lazier...content to wait for handouts instead of learning and taking inititiative. Sadly, these are the one's that make up that 90% you mentioned.

Here is the private message you sent me for all to see what your opinion of me really was.

So once again HushhHHH your mouth.

I complimented you by wanting to enter your work in a contest and you totaly turned into a wussie. run away and hide again.

Thanks for sharing faifarni.

Two questions.

1. This current forward test are you using the tweaked settings from January?

2. Have you tried backtesting otherwise successful months(prior to January)

with those tweaked settings?

I like the idea of banking the profit and putting it out of harms way. It was mentioned very early on in the thread and stilll a good idea.

1. I'm using the default settings of the ea I posted except I changed tp to 10 instead of 20 yesterday. Also, I've got usdjpy trading at the same time as eurusd so my total account risk is 4% position risk to 2% equity exit...2:1 ratio which I found to work best. So each graph has 2% equity exit and 2% position sizing.

2. I did in fact try backtesting the tweaked settings on otherwise successful months. Changing the tp to 10 slightly reduced profits but also lessened risk a great deal. Lifting the ratio I mentioned to 2:1 on a SINGLE pair lifted profitability greatly during ranging times but a created a great deal of risk since the lot sizes were larger in proportion to account size. I actually forward tested two demo accounts with 2:1 ratios. One was with two seperate pairs with ratios per graph of 1:1, but with a total of 2:1 which is performing excellent since I assumed and was correct that the two seperate pairs would actually buffer some of the risk. The other account was a single pair with a 2:1 ratio which actually tanked. I've got another forward test running currently with four currency pairs totaling a 2:1 ratio which seems to have even further reduced risk.

hush befor you take away from any respect you have left.

in the united states (dunno about others) you can patent an idea, then sell it to some one to develop that idea. The idea doesn't even have to work in real life. But can be sold to some one who can make it work in real life.

I had an idea and with out my idea bipoler would not be here simple as that.

crawl out of shrubs? hahahaha. ok if you want to go that route....My shrubs(home) cost 300k. How bout yours?

I make a living trading and people all over the world know it. My way of thinking and trade ideas make me and alot of others alot of money. I also manage several accounts. This is also well known all over the world as one of my clients is in australia. All my clients came from my popularity on forexfactory.

Once again I will remind you .....I offered you half of any winnings.

you said you made these ea's to put a little cash in our pockets and thats all. Well we are all in forex for Big bucks not little cash. If you want a little extra cash go have a yard sale or something.

Private Message: Re: thanks

12-20-2006, 07:27 PM

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bluto bluto is offline

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bluto is on a distinguished road

Dave - you're one of the few traders I've encountered that has an opinion worth considering. I don't know if people are getting dumber....perhaps just lazier...content to wait for handouts instead of learning and taking inititiative. Sadly, these are the one's that make up that 90% you mentioned.

Here is the private message you sent me for all to see what your opinion of me really was.

So once again HushhHHH your mouth.

I complimented you by wanting to enter your work in a contest and you totaly turned into a wussie. run away and hide again.

C'mon now, get a grip on yourself. You're playing with fire and stooping to new lows. However, since you like to share private messages, let me share one of yours. My response you shared above is actually easy to explain. It was a response to the PM you initiated to me on 12/20/06 as follows:


Thanks for trying my idea. I still look forward to seeing goblin II

I have been in forums like this for over 2 years.

Is it me or do the people get dumber and dumber.

It is no wonder most people fail. They have no common sence about them.

Let me know if you need anything from me. I cann't write code but can read charts like a pro.


So as everyone can see, your disdain and general lack of respect for the populace here extends well beyond me. I was merely trying to soften your position that everyone is dumb and lacking common sense by suggesting that it's perhaps laziness, and yes, I do believe there's definitely always a percentage of "takers" in any group. In fact, there were specific individuals you were referring to in the Goblin thread. Would you like for me to name them here?

I'd really be pleased if you'd choose to drop all of this banter and get on with things, but if you decide to continue with the public barbs, I'll keep coming back on you like a junkyard dog. Cheers!

C'mon now, get a grip on yourself. You're playing with fire and stooping to new lows. However, since you like to share private messages, let me share one of yours. My response you shared above is actually easy to explain. It was a response to the PM you initiated to me on 12/20/06 as follows:


Thanks for trying my idea. I still look forward to seeing goblin II

I have been in forums like this for over 2 years.

Is it me or do the people get dumber and dumber.

It is no wonder most people fail. They have no common sence about them.

Let me know if you need anything from me. I cann't write code but can read charts like a pro.


So as everyone can see, your disdain and general lack of respect for the populace here extends well beyond me. I was merely trying to soften your position that everyone is dumb and lacking common sense by suggesting that it's perhaps laziness, and yes, I do believe there's definitely always a percentage of "takers" in any group. In fact, there were specific individuals you were referring to in the Goblin thread. Would you like for me to name them here?

I'd really be pleased if you'd choose to drop all of this banter and get on with things, but if you decide to continue with the public barbs, I'll keep coming back on you like a junkyard dog. Cheers!

so you posted my arrogant cocky insulting comments. I do that all by my self. That is not news to any one here. And most will agree with my comments you posted.

Name away. Mabe you mistaken me for some one who is modest and afraid to speak my mind.

while you "try" to explain away your comments to me in an attempt to save face I offer no explanation for my comments to you in my PM I stand by them 100%.

playing with fire? burn me please. there is nothing you can do that will affect my day to day life style.

wolf wolf Dawg



can we just agree now that Blutoand xxDavidxSxx don't like each other now and just move along?

so you posted my arrogant cocky insulting comments. I do that all by my self. That is not news to any one here. And most will agree with my comments you posted.

Name away. Mabe you mistaken me for some one who is modest and afraid to speak my mind.

while you "try" to explain away your comments to me in an attempt to save face I offer no explanation for my comments to you in my PM I stand by them 100%.

playing with fire? burn me please. there is nothing you can do that will affect my day to day life style.

wolf wolf Dawg

Ok, well at least we all know the score and agree on your general demeanor, and at least you acknowledge it. Call me "old skool", but I can assure you that most Fx developers and contributors worth their salt who have something of value to offer on these forums will avoid you like the plague. There's just no replacement for decent manners and you're dead wrong if you think that cocky arrogance and a vitriolic attitude are redeeming attributes of a successful trader. I wish you lots of luck because where you're headed, you're going to need it. You might want to start boning up on the MQL programming language as well.

O.K, can we just agree now that Blutoand xxDavidxSxx don't like each other now and just move along?



C mon, guyz

Cut that. You are very valuable people. We all know how fights begins, but never know how it end.

We dont want to loose you. Peace, please We have a pip war to win and will never do if we shoot each other.



I think the thread had enough fun with a little fist fight. It is like a hockey game, so why not enjoy it too.

Now it is time again to concentrate on the game. Your game is to get Goblin gobble up pips without getting gobbled by the garangutans.