PhoenixFund - page 3

GoogleCheckout is 100% free for another year for credit card processing, so it is our first choice.

Isn't it free only if you pay for AdWords?


Google is running a promotion of some kind at least until the end of the year, possibly the end of next year. We are having problems with Google Checkout at the moment, and I have a pending support request.


We are having problems with Google Checkout at the moment, and I have a pending support request.

What kind of problems? I have contributed to phoenix fund by using this google checkout. Do i have to do something? (cancel... anything)?!?

I got phone call from them, checking me out?!? One of their questions was, where did I hear/find out about Phoenix fund. Then I got mad. I've asked them, who they are, that I need to answer to them, where I'm sending my money?

I will not use them anymore.



I think they were checking us out, not checking you out.

We put $900 in transactions into their system and they put our account on hold and stopped doing transactions. I think PhoenixFund was doing so well they got nervous.


I think PhoenixFund was doing so well they got nervous.


btw, I knew, you don't sleep


Thank you all for your contributions! I feel that my paperwork hell is worthwhile and that the Phoenix Community is really a Community. The current PhoenixFund balance (once the transactions are deposited) is $1000.69

Who is the guy which contribute with 69 cents ???


With the exception of #18 I liked these goals as causes to primarily fund. Any reaction? (Goal #18 is poorly phrased and would likely require restructuring of IMF loans.)

The base of anything is EDUCATION..

Yes about Health, protect mothers.. eveything. But without education half of the people of the world is going nowhere.. coz they don't where to go...

I will add another goal : kill all politicians... Unfornatly we need some.. Question : which one's ?

Who is the guy which contribute with 69 cents ??? (joking!!!)

Google did.



I am in the final transferring process of my FXDD account with Phoenix Fund as my IB. I hope they are going to confirm it before the end of the week.

I will soon run Phoenix live and I was wandering if the Fund is offering hosting ?