Subthread: Dolly 2nd Clone Project - page 63


Thanks ANCOLL and a thanks to all who have contributed to this clone. Great Work!

I am new and learning for now, but hopefully I will have something to contribute in the future.


What about DOLLY v11 rule or LITTLE TIPS

Thank u for Hymns to tell us how to use the dolly v11.(rule or little tips)

the Signal on the left is different with dolly v10



want to ask ,is it possible to make gmacd_signal with alert?

when it display "strong" it give an alert window.

thanks in advance


Is it all right?

ddduntitled1.jpg  193 kb

Is this system (dolly 2nd) still profitable ? Why there is no one post in this thread lately ?


where i can find Guppy Line for dolly system ?, because i can't find this indicator in this thread

OMG.. look what you have done?

You even created an indicator which is nicer than WSS itself

Thanks a lot frantacech, my bow for you

I was reading the 1st page...

You have a good sense of humor Ancoll. Hopefully, WSS cheerleaders won't read your post here... LOL...


GMT Shift


I would like to try to use this system, but I don't know how to set the GMT shift value. Can anybody tell me?

Thank you very much in advance!




janiiez, I've PMed you, would you check?

Sorry dvarrin, I can't help you. Hope somebody will reply to you!


I would like to try to use this system, but I don't know how to set the GMT shift value. Can anybody tell me?

Thank you very much in advance!




Example: FXDD is GMT +3 so you need to put 3

It depends of your broker time.

Hope this will help you.

Have a nice day!