Simbasystem-gbpusd - page 110


Oh experienced one


i've have never attacked you personally. have always been focusing on facts referring to your systems and is only just your personality and bad feeling forcing you to start personally attacking others as you dislike to face the facts one of them being bringing down an account sold to subscribers 94% within 3 weeks and then using excusses like testing and other bla, bla. if you are using accounts for testing how do you allow you to ask money from subscribers? this is just your personality allowing to do that. providers are getting challanged and the good ones don't need to react the way you do it. look to your message to electricsavant. something from the worst that i have ever seen. this is now really the last message to you as there are so many other interesting things to do as dealing with someone like you and dont forget aslong as you continue to do the way you did, others will profit from that.

though, have a nice weekend


Yes whatever..,I have never said it was for testing ,just the,you are either slow in understanding or ,more probably,you are possessed of very bad faith..and..still the same question my little Torquemada...

Can you do better?..144.8%..return...40% 15 months not 17..

..Most of the 4000 systems at C2 can`t..for sure you don`t either..and I keep telling people at this Forum ..DON`T,this hurts your little ego,doesn`t it..? And I keep telling people I am a bad trader..and this hurts more..somebody with these results,telling the world that he is a bad trader,because he is still capable of destroying an account..and then recovering steadily from it,trade by trade..where does this leave you?

Shall I post your previous assertions when in your inquisitorial pursuits in other threads you pressed everybody for showing proof?..Where is your proof?

If you have any problem with my commercial activities at C2,please post your comments at the C2 forum.

I have never had any commercial activity here in this forum,and,as replied to you in a previous post..and the few times the issue has been raised at forex-tsd..I have always suggested to people that THEY DO NOT SUBSCRIBE to my,why this attack ?Obviously you have an agenda ..why pointing out one of the 2 systems I have and not the other?obviously an agenda..

Your comments regarding "testing"..I have never said so..this is a quote from my post 1072 at this thread "I could have renamed it as a test,but it will not have been true,it was a mistake both as a trading strategy and ,obviously ,as a personal back step in my trading development"..and you have the balls to post that it is not personal?Well my little lying vulture,Now it is...

Asking others to be perfect while you are unable to show even a minimum proof of profitability..Let me ask you a question?

Are you a profitable trader?....

Personal issues..well it is obvious by now that you have an agenda,I gave you 2 opportunities in previous posts to clarify this did just not with your words but within the lines,so,since you like playing I am going to have a field day with you..this is the second time you said you were posting your last words,lying as usual....;)

You couldn`t resist your 5 minutes of glory,obscure nobody that tries to convince everybody,without proof,that he is the judge of the world..let`s take a look at your pompous assertions,oh great Inquisitor..several of your quotes..and my comments on them,they really show who you are..a study in contradiction

1-"Basically agree but some funds are still happy even with annual return 20% to 10% max drawdown (factor 20%/10%) =2 " this thread

So,2 to 1 is ok but my 144% to 40%..which is 3.3 to 1 suddenly is no good?You are showing your colours ...and your agenda..oh,and point 7,in a few lines, tells it all about you..keep reading

2-"is always very interesting to see how people react when asking them for verifiable records. just the way they react proves almost everything." the HAMA PAD thread

3- "Walter,in trading evidence and track records are wanted, not rhetoric.

enjoy your trading, i hope you do well with this approach but then please prove that to this community." again HAMA PAD Thread

4-"just prove all of us your claims. it just needs only verfiable track records. i very much doubt that there is any. but if any available all of us would welcomed them. bring them up and we will believe you. all the rest is rhetorical nosense and you make the impression to be one of his friends promoting here.

regards and waiting for the track records" Again at the HAMA PAD Thread

5-"though, the most experienced among us will know that what it needs in trading is verifiable track records (at least a few hundert trades) and not nice colerfull images"..HAMA PAD ..

Show us a few hundreds of your trades oh,you experienced among us..Walk the walk,or at least walk your talk..let`s see your reaction ..

6-"no serious trader in the world would trade a concept with about 15-25 trades dailly. but experienced traders know what it needs for improving concepts (among many others) like the one presented by igor . " at the ZORRO TRADING GROUP

Why?Most funds and banks have an arbitrage section doing hundreds of trades everyday..aren`t they serious traders?...Improve our concepts oh experienced trader,among many others...ever heard of Dukascopy?

7-"congratulations for the way you replied. you couldnt have said it better than that. experienced people know that nothing cares more than yield/DD ratios. indeed your criteria of 1.66:1 is very low and personally i'm going for at least 10:1 or even 20:1." in MANAGED ACCOUNTS Thread

Please show us your 10:1..or even better ,your 20:1..oh experienced one...Btw..didn`t you post at my thread(see 1 above) that 2 to 1 was ok?Mmmm...something smells fishy here oh great,and experienced , Inquisitor..

For somebody asking so much of others,left and right,you have shown very low standards of compliance to your own requirements..Apply your rules to yourself oh experienced one ..

BTW... are you a profitable trader?;)..or just an experienced loser with a punctured ego..?


thinking about it

You know..

When reading my previous posts in reply to tskpda,I feel somehow that I have not being my usual self,I made a mistake,I allowed him the benefit of the doubt,at the beginning,his first 2 posts..1071 and 1073,I believe at this thread seemed fair enough,if taken jointly with my reply at post 1072..but then his next post should have told me there was some hidden agenda lurking within his words..

Well,now it is clear there is an agenda,I don`t know his reasons,though I can imagine some of them...anyway,it is unbelievable that any joker with an agenda,and a punctured ego can allow for himself the benefit of the doubt,mix facts with lies and try to reinflate his lost personality,by just posting his attacks at this forum..It might be a better alternative than dining alone ..I don`t know nor do I care,I am fed up with this behaviour and I have decided to reply in kind..So,I will make it very clear for everybody..

Don`t come to this thread with an are not going to like my reply.

Don`t try to held me responsible at forex-tsd for my commercial activities at C2,if you have a problem with these,post it at the C2 forum..because I have never done any commercial activity here at forex-tsd,so,I will not accept anybody pontificating about them at this forum...I will consider it unfair behaviour and you will be fair game,no rules from there on..

If you want to comment any of my systems or trades,as long as you are fair,I will comment them in fairness..if you are unfair will be game...and don`t start crying about personal attacks after having thrown the stone and hidden the hand,I will expose you for what you are....

ND..If you don`t like it ,just say so,and this will be my last post here.. you seem to be a fair person,so,I hope that you understand that the late proliferation of nonsensical attacks at this Forum has to stop and that the only way is to reply in kind..eye for eye,tooth for tooth, for smile..after it is now,any jerk whose inflatable wife has been punctured by his intensive fornications can post here to lessen his anxiety for having to sleep alone..and this is not right to the people that have threads with hundreds of thousands of views ,nor is it right to the thousands of people that come here,in good faith,to exchange ideas,strategies and dreams...after all is said and done,We are the soul of this Forum..and it is in your best interest to stop this state of affairs.



Could It Be Jealousy?

Hi Simba,

If I am reading those results right Mini Me posted +51% in a quarter outstanding results, can't believe you would be getting any flack for this, could it be jealousy, cause I know I'm jealous.Nice work Simba.



Market Risk


big investment funds are working under totally different regulatory and market conditions. if you are working for such a fund i fully understand you. though, the majority of forum visitors like tsd are private investors or smaller fund units and for them the market potential is totally different. it's not comparable to the big funds.

kind regards




i'dont know what kind of concepts you are following but before investing big money is important to understand your potential risks and you have to know your worst case scenario. otherwise you risk to happen to you what happened to SIMBA5.

good commercials are welcomed. ctitisism to providers is only coming up when

  • their claims are not backuped by verifiable results (some examples here are, hama, steinlitz, etc.)
  • they offer not long enough tested and verified concepts and not even know the real risks for their concepts (for example SIMBA)
  • not following the concepts consequently enough but changing them again and again
  • the price structure for the service doesn't match to the trading risks (for example again SIMBA)
  • etc.

    kind reagrds



whoaua, what a messaging by SIMBA.

as already declared just ignoring you. SIMBA'S time and money waisting personal attacks messaging hobby going on.


big investment funds are working under totally different regulatory and market conditions. if you are working for such a fund i fully understand you. though, the majority of forum visitors like tsd are private investors or smaller fund units and for them the market potential is totally different. it's not comparable to the big funds.

kind regards

tsdpka will surprised to know that there are "visitors" to this forum, (and others forums) with accounts bigger than the GDP of many countries......

but I agree that most visitors here are people with small accounts and yes, the market and profit potential for a owner of a small account is incredible more higher than for a big trader, although the reality show that the owner of a small account is more prone to be in the group of non-profitable

Anyway, can we drop C2 discussion from here ?

It was requested by the owner of the thread and we should respect him as a main collaborator


The Higher A Monkey Climbs...

Hi Simba,

If I am reading those results right Mini Me posted +51% in a quarter outstanding results, can't believe you would be getting any flack for this, could it be jealousy, cause I know I'm jealous.Nice work Simba.


Hi Tools,Minime

Thanks,well it seems Minime is right there pushing for top spot

Yes,jealousy is probably one of the reasons for tsdpka behaviour..Nothing is impossible for the man that doesn`t have to do it himself ..he might be very good at thinking what other people ought to do.. but very bad at showing any personal example...

So,for somebody that has spent half his stay at this forum asking for everybody to show qualifications,he is painting a very clear portrait about himself..

His continuous references to "experienced traders do this and that " and his self inclusion in this category make me wonder if he is nothing else than an experienced loser with a low self image,and consequently,a pressing need to ramble the Forums asking to everybody to achieve perfection in order to alleviate the stress...

His delusional postings about asking "10:1 yield to drawdown or even 20:1",besides making me laugh until crying,when completed with his "2:1 is ok for funds" at a later a very clear picture of somebody delusional who doesn`t remember his own lies..

The more he says the more obvious he becomes..."The higher a monkey climbs,the more you see of its behind" ..



October 29th 2007

EA trade on FXDD live account.

Settings are here: Simbasystem-gbpusd

2007.10.26 Buy GBP/JPY 234.50

2007.10.29 Closed @ 233.85 With +120

Total since october 17th, 2007: +191

Simba, I hope you don't mind, but I am and always was a manual trader.

So the above trade was closed by me manually. There is maybe more place above as it broke R2... but I'm happy with +120 after the drawdown he recovered from Friday. I just couldn't stop my itchy fingers.

Will try to be disciplined the next time.

Hi Dxtrade..

1-I presume there is a typo in your post.."2007.10.26 Buy GBP/JPY 234.50

2007.10.29 Closed @ 233.85 With +120"..Did you close it @235.70?

2-I had the entry @234.46(so,yours @234.50 is ok)..with a target of 238.01...the trade is still open @237.02..if stopped before reaching "your" target..238.05,the right thing would be to add a second line in your reporting..with manual closing..and report both results..besides helping everybody as a forward test of the system,this will help you in comparing if your "closing when enough pips" strategy is improving or not the results..

I understand that you are a manual trader and that you are helping us posting your live results ,but I would like to avoid losing the reason why of the experiment,which is doing a forward test of the STANDARD settings on a live feed for a few months..;)..if possible..besides,the fact that you work with a very low risk and report in pips is extremely interesting..and I will report why when and if we finish the live forward test..

Additionally,I would like to know what are your feelings about trading this EA,if possible



Hi Dxtrade..

1-I presume there is a typo in your post.."2007.10.26 Buy GBP/JPY 234.50

2007.10.29 Closed @ 233.85 With +120"..Did you close it @235.70?

2-I had the entry @234.46(so,yours @234.50 is ok)..with a target of 238.01...the trade is still open @237.02..if stopped before reaching "your" target..238.05,the right thing would be to add a second line in your reporting..with manual closing..and report both results..besides helping everybody as a forward test of the system,this will help you in comparing if your "closing when enough pips" strategy is improving or not the results..

Additionally,I would like to know what are your feelings about trading this EA,if possible



Yes Simba, sorry... typo. Closed at 235.70

I definitly understand and that's no problem here. I have 2 new trades open since this morning (GMT+7), both buys on GU and GJ, and holding tight my fingers to leave them alone . Both looking good right now.

I definitely like this EA as the idea behind is already tempting, and it does exactly what I would do manually with your initial setup. There maybe some cases where I would enter differently... but it's too short to judge now... will tell you after some weeks. Same for the exits. The TP is tempting and has his reasons... although in manual trading I would more react to daily, weekly and monthly pivots and fibo lines, as well as to personal goals and MM to decide when to close a trade.

Overall until now I'm pretty happy, independent of the result.