XP Volume! - page 2


try my heartbeat

I wrote it ages ago

it cool

heartbeat.mq4  3 kb
chart_1.gif  28 kb
try my heartbeat

I wrote it ages ago

it cool

are u using this for trader or for fun?so cute..huhu

try my heartbeat

I wrote it ages ago

it cool

i feel like in the surgery table

are u using this for trader or for fun?so cute..huhu

I wrote it ages ago

it had a sound alert to let me know when euro session started to move

but i took it out too n0isey it works well to let you know when markets are flat


A Baby Trader.........

can someone help me?what is the use of xpvolume?how to trade it?


as I understand iyt...

xpvolume ----

when the histogram is on top..... the market is moving

below means flat maket

this indicator will NOT give you direction for the trade

that you must use other indicators for


The thing dosen't refresh....

Anyone willing to look at the code, VERY usefull indic!


I guess

you may see it as a patient in coma

the first beat, it is waking up, then

it could be a misleading signal too

but perky system could tell you when it is start to move again too -- dolly system is a bit annoying, but it got sound


It tell when big volume get into play to follow Market Movers....

Any coder, it shouldn't be that hard, code is like 5 line...