Managing your position after its open...


I thought that this would be a great topic for its own thread.

(Bluto brought it up in another Thread.)

Lets start with a couple of questions:

1. How do you manage your open positions?

2. How can this be improved?

3. What do you want from your open Position?

4. Can it be coded into an EA?

5. What is acceptible Loss/Gain?

6. Do you trade with multiple Open positions at the same time?

6a. If so how should they be managed? Alltogether , Seperatly, as a NET Profit/Loss?

7. Are indicators good exit signals?

7a. Which ones?

8. Are SL and TP the perfered way to exit the market?

8a. How to determine the best settings?

Any other input is welcome...As soon as we come up with a good set of rules I will start to code it and put together a Order management template for everyone to use in new EA's.

Because it is really easy to open an position, but closing it at the right time is the difference between a profitable system and cash fire...


And --- What exactly is Money Management? just a definition.


The answer to number 4 is YES