What makes market to move?


What makes forex market to move?

I mean, what makes that the graph is moving up/down?

Is it, that the graph moves down when most of traders are selling one currency and buying the other?

Let's take EUR/USD for example:

Today EUR went up over 1.3. Did this happen because most of traders went SHORT, or LONG?

Can someone exlpain this?

Thank you


try this search for a currerncy converter on the web. take all majors pair JPY,gbp,chf,euro,aud,nzd, convert them to a base curency i like to do it on example dkkgbp to se what gbp is worth danish kroner do this daily on all pairs and write down ur observations then u will have a felling whats going on, i hope this help u


What makes forex market to move?

I mean, what makes that the graph is moving up/down?

Is it, that the graph moves down when most of traders are selling one currency and buying the other?

Let's take EUR/USD for example:

Today EUR went up over 1.3. Did this happen because most of traders went SHORT, or LONG?

Can someone exlpain this?

Thank you

I think there is always the same number of lots going long and going short as it's an exchange (no money is created). The price is only the level at which traders are aree to do this exchange. If the price goes up, this means there are more consensus to buy than to sell, ie more traders want to go long; it's like oil or everything. (on 1.31, I go short...). But this is a little to much simple because there are many currencies and no real reference.